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他否认知悉他们的计划。He denied knowing anything about their plans.

让公众知悉我们的研究进展对他们是有好处的。It’s good for the public to know how little we know.

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她是谁无人知悉,猜测众多。It is not known who she is and speculations have abound.

如果是这样,敬请发表评论,好让我们知悉你们对它的想法!If so, let us know what your thoughts on it in the comments!

下个月燃油附加费将下调到10.75,请知悉!Please notice that the bunker surcharge will be down regulated to 10.75.

所以尽你所能,让尽量多的人来知悉你独一无二的产品或服务吧。So let as many people as you can learn about your unique product or service.

此情此景一出,我便知悉了那女人的身份,以及她为何要对我微笑。When I saw that, I knew who the woman was, and wherefore she had smiled at me.

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只有扎林、帕尔帕丁皇帝以及该项目的策划人员知悉这一计划的存在。Only Zaarin, Emperor Palpatine, and the project staff were aware of its existence.

尽管如此,关于什么人知悉了什么情况,事件时间及其合法性的问题依旧存在。Still, questions remain about who knew what when, as well as the legality of it all.

对于唐先生,阁下必定知悉,唐先生的事业早已为市民所赞赏。Tang whom you know well, and whose public works have been praised all over Hong Kong.

可是对害羞人群来说,暴露或知悉这些私人信息是会引致压力的。But for shy people, divulging or learning such intimate information is stress-inducing.

对于唐悌先生,阁下必定知悉,同时唐先生的事业早已为市民所熟知。T. Tang whom you know well, and whose public works have been heralded all over Hong Kong.

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对于一个人为什么在中国不应那么做,我们碰巧最知悉。We just happened to be most knowledgeable about why one should not to do it while in China.

身材高挑、长着一身光滑红色毛皮的布提,十分明智地知悉他迁徙的鹿群会遇到的危险。The tall sleek red-furred Beauty, was wise enough to understand the danger to his moving herd.

丙方应对其所知悉的全部商业和技术秘密进行严格保密。The Thirty Party keeps all the commercial and technical secrets he knows strictly confidential.

一个人,若是相信世界的秘密永远都不可知悉,那他就会活在愚昧和敬畏之中。The man who believes that the secrets of this world are forever hidden lives in mystery and fear.

佳慧知悉金顺的伤是明章所造成后,决定离开新富,以免让明章有机会破坏她和正鸿的感情。Jiahui decides to quit her job at Xin Fu after learning Jinshun's accident was caused by Mingzhang.

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而对于11岁和12岁大的孩子,父母知悉和参与的比例都有轻微的下降。For 11- and 12-year-olds, the percentages of parental knowledge and involvement were slightly lower.

我方知悉贵方对该批低品质货物的索赔,并请求贵方原谅失误。We acknowledge your claim for compensation for the low quality item and ask you to excuse this error.

夏大卫候任地区总监本月于圣地高接受总监训练后,我们将会知悉明年的扶轮主题。By the time DGE David completed the training in San Diego this month, we will know the RI theme for next year.