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这战役也结束了。The battle was over.

那就能赢得我们的战役。It is to win our wars.

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这场战役肯定要失败的。This battle must be kaput.

但是,这场无人机战役能打胜吗?But is the drone war winnable?

方多战役被证明是一场灾难。Fondor proved to be a disaster.

我选择了“安提顿战役”。I got the "Battle of Antietam".

他指挥了围攻柏林的战役。He captained the siege of Berlin.

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西元前216年取得坎尼战役的胜利。In 216 he won the Battle of Cannae.

摩加迪沙战役一直萦绕在我的心头。The battle of Mogadishu haunted me.

我们究竟能不能赢得抗癌战役?Will we ever win the war on cancer?

耶和华在每一场战役中都现身。Yahweh was present at every battle.

我们必须商量对策,看怎么才能打下这场战役。We must discuss how to win the battle.

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战争的最后一次战役是在1781年打响的。The last battle of the war was in 1781.

正是这次战役结束了这场战争。This was the battle that ended the war.

傻瓜才在爱情战役里溃不成军。A fool in love battle be utterly routed.

这场战役是在两条战线上展开的。The battle has been waged on two fronts.

在海上战役的日德兰半岛发生。At sea the Battle of Jutland takes place.

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这是克劳斯生命里最艰苦的战役。It was the hardest fight of Kraus's life.

这个战役,我军旗开得胜。Our army won victory in the first battle.

第六章中有耶利亚哥战役。In chapter 6 we have the Battle of Jericho.