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宣传队是部队文化工作的基本队伍。The ranks were shaken, but not broken.

每个大队有个宣传队负责政治教育。A propaganda team in each brigade is responsible for political education.

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宣传队是部队文化工作的基本队伍。Propaganda teams are the basic units engaged in cultural work in the army.

农民自发组织“三个**”宣传队到庙会上宣传。The farmers organize a team to promote"three representatives" on temple fair.

宣传队是培养干部的学校。不仅要培养文化工作的干部,还要培养政治工作的干部。Propaganda teams constitute the schools for training cadres, not only for cultural work, but also for political work.

海洋保护协会,这个建立在英国的海洋保护的宣传队,有一份哪些鱼该吃或哪些不该吃的清单。The Marine Conservation Society, an advocacy group based in Britain, has a set of guidelines about which fish should or should not be eaten.

在集市和乡村,“人口文化宣传队”自娱自乐的精彩表演,深受群众的喜爱。In fairs and villages, excellent performances are played by the Population Culture Propagating Group, which are warmly welcome by local people.

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李洪志在军马场、森警宣传队期间的领导及同宿舍战友也都说,李洪志就是一名普通的文艺兵,性格内向、自负。Li Hongzhi's leaders and fellow servicemen at the stud farm and the forest police troop said he was a common solider and was introverted and conceited.

要使宣传员成为文化教育的得力干部,使宣传队成为新民主主义革命的先锋军。Members of the teams should become competent cadres in cultural and educational work, and the teams should become the vanguard of the new-democratic revolution.

当时管理大学是一个革命委员会,接受工人宣传队以及毛派去控制大学的军代表的监管。By then the university was run by a Revolutionary Committee supervised by the Workers' Propaganda Team, and by army representatives sent to take control of universities by Mao.

疫区当地的卫生当局正在与社会动员专家和宣传队密切合作,为地方社区提供关键性的信息消息。The local health authorities in the affected area are working closely with social mobilization experts, and communication teams to develop key information messages for the local communities.