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许多人认为政客必须要能言善辩。Many believe that a politician has to be silver-tongued.

他们两位都很年轻,能言善辩,都是毕业于哈佛大学的进步主义者。Both were young, articulate, Harvard-educated progressives.

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奥巴马的确能言善辩,但外交上不能光说空话。Obama is indeed eloquent, but diplomacy can not just empty words.

他是个能言善辩的演说家,能赢得很多人的支持。He was a silver-tongued orator who convinced many people to support him.

我不像你那么聪明,那么能推理,那么能言善辩,等等。I am not so clever, or so reasoning, or so eloquent, or so anything, as you are.

一些人能言善辩,但他们曾做的或正在做的事情才是真实的证据。Some people are good at talking, but what they have done or are doing is the real proof.

要完成这一切,会计人员需要能言善辩,精通文化、法律、历史和宗教。For all this, accountants need to be versed in rhetoric, culture, law, history and religion.

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戴维能言善辩、说服力强,很快就成为除希拉里之外我主要的代理人。David was an eloquent and persuasive speaker who soon became my chief surrogate after Hillary.

四个小时的审讯对于贝兰克费恩简直就是如坐针毡,难怪平时能言善辩的他到最后只能垂头撒气的离开。No wonder the usually chirpy Mr Blankfein looked so drained by the time he was let go, after almost four hours in the hot seat.

我们大约举办了三、四次模拟辩论,辩手都是我们中心最能言善辩的,其中一次我的搭档和我也很荣幸能参与其中。We had about three or four model debates, all done by the most eloquent debaters in our center, including one by my partner and me.

左翼绿色运动领袖、现任财政部长能言善辩、行事高效,但却是一位狂热的民族主义者,不希望冰岛加入欧盟。The Left-Green leader, the finance minister, is articulate and effective, but is a passionate nationalist and hostile to EU membership.

在谈论欧洲一体化,以及巩固这个长久以来深受“东西分裂”问题困扰的国家的必要性时,季莫申科显得如此地能言善辩。Ms Tymoshenko talks eloquently of European integration and the need to consolidate a country historically divided between east and west.

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噢,多滑稽啊!我说,但并非每个人都像你这样能言善辩。假如有资格来竞选一个政府公职,你会参加竞选吗?Oh, thats funny! I said. But not everyone can be as eloquent as you are if you were eligible to run for an elected office, would you do it?

毫无疑问你是一个慷慨激昂,能言善辩的演讲者,我很赞赏你这一点。There is no doubt that you are a passionate, eloquent speaker and I applaud you for that, but when you look at what we face in this country.

最让我担心的是斯图尔特,他长得英俊迷人,能言善辩,而且来自克林顿家族的家乡,我本来一直指望那里的人会支持我的。I was most worried about Stewart because he was attractive, articulate, and from the Clintons home county, which I had hoped would go for me.

也许你不想成为律师,但你常常暗示自己能言善辩,强迫自己去读法学院。Maybe you don’t want to be lawyer, but you’re pushing yourself through law school because you’ve always been told you are really good at making arguments.

米雪尔.拉尔逊是CHICOS组的前主任。她是一个能言善辩的领导者,喜欢与人沟通。后于美国大空总署工作,现于宾夕凡尼亚州州立大学做研究。Michelle Larson was the CHICOS project coordinator. She is eloquent and sociable. She transferred to NASA, and now works in Pennsylvania State University.

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第一夫人罗莎琳能言善辩,工作严肃勤奋,经常去自己在东厢房的办公室处理日常事务和特别问题。A skilled speaker, Rosalynn was a serious, hard-working First Lady who went regularly to her own office in the East Wing to manage routine duties and special projects.

惹人生厌又能言善辩的卡梅伦将被革职,取而代之的将是没有竞选实力的右翼分子,从而使保守党再次十年不得翻身。The distressingly plausible Mr. Cameron will get the boot, to be replaced by an unelectable right-winger --- this disqualifying the Tories from office for another decade.

为敌对双方带来协调的能力是赫尔墨斯令人钦佩的本领之一,这也为这个神带来了一个能言善辩的演说家和带来好运的人的名声。This ability to bring harmony out of hostility is one of the admirable traits of Hermes and it aided the god's reputation as a persuasive orator and bringer of good fortune.