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实践是取得任何技能的要诀。Practice is the key to any skill.

上海家庭加强孩子教育的四大要诀Four tips for Shanghai schooling at home

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自信是成功的第一要诀。Self-trust is the first secret of success.

如果您有一个平板显示忽略这个要诀。If you have a flat-panel display ignore this tip.

十大要诀来建立一个成功的咨询业务Ten Keys To Building a Successful Consulting Business

限制饮食和放松身心是保持健康的两个要诀。Diet and relaxation are two important keys to good health.

它提供了写好英文新闻的要诀,及写作手册。It provides the secrets of writing English news and a stylebook.

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这也是历代大成就者成功的要诀。This is also the secret of success from many past great siddhas.

如果一段婚姻需要拯救,那么要诀就是寻找更多的欢乐。If the marriage needs help, the answer almost always is have more fun.

乐观、自信和决断是生活中成功的要诀。Optimism, confidence and determination are the keys to success in life.

你还可以在书中读到遗产规划的要诀,包括规避遗嘱认证费用的方法等内容。You'll find tips on estate planning, including ways to avoid probate costs.

感谢要诀!请让万维网主管提供我以我自己的注册名。Thanks for the tip! Please have the webmaster provide me with my own login name.

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使情人节让你和某个特别的人难忘有要诀。Tips on how to make Valentine's a Day a day for you and a special gal to remember.

这些要诀中有八条对你非营利性组织的生存异常关键。你若执意无视它们,那么一旦遭遇风险,后果自负。Eight of these rules are critical to your nonprofit's survival. Ignore them at your own risk.

对于这么一部后人类时代电影,动作才是独一无二的要诀。The film's makers know that action is the one essential in this, the post-human era of movies.

请送不锈的要诀的样品,和围巾和您的编目以定价如果可能。Please send samples of the stainless tip, and muffler and your catalog with pricing if possible.

方法采用参与性教学法,突出“七字要诀”靶知识的应用。Methods Adopt the participating teaching and emphasize the application of Seven word trick target knowledge.

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谦和的态度,常会使别人难以别拒绝你的要求,这也是一个人无往不胜的要诀。Humble attitude, don't often make people difficult to refuse your request, this also is one the keys to prevail.

终端机与眼睛疲劳眼睛与萤光幕保持适当距离,是防止睛睛疲劳的要诀。Terminals and eye-strain the eyes and screen maintain a proper distance, is to prevent fatigue Jingjing the key.

周锐认为,勤奋及善于分配时间是他获奖的要诀。He attributes his success to diligence. "Undivided attention and good time management are the most important things."