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希望别出岔子。I hope nothing goes wrong.

别出岔子。这个计划太重要了。Don't goof up. This plan is very important.

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别出岔子。这个计划太重要了。Don’t goof up. This project is too important.

别出岔子。这个商量太重要了。Don't goof up. This project is too importance.

“一般说来,这就是出岔子,”齐儿德斯先生回答说。In a general way that's missing his tip , " Mr. Childers answered."

如果还没开始,又怎么可能出岔子呢?,太完美了。How could anything gone wrong yet, you haven't started it, right? So it's perfect.

他们说最好的订的计划出岔子,这是真实世界的航行的凝聚力。They say the best laid plans go awry, and this is true in the world of navigational rallying.

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告诉自己,我出岔子了,运气不怎么好,然后就随它去。To say to yourself, ‘I made a mistake, and I had some bad luck, ’ and then let it. Let it, ah.

为了防止在正式演出时出岔子,我们彩排了好多遍。We need to have several rehearsals so we don't make any mistakes during the final performance.

为了保证不出岔子,他们把计划的细节反复作了推敲。They went through the details of the plan over and over again to make sure that there was no possibility of failure.

即使中国现在出岔子了,我们依然看不出印度能真正取代中国支撑世界经济的任何可能。When China stumbles, we still can't find anything from India as a real substitute of China to support world economy.

电影中有一些精彩的脏乱的战斗,但是你会有一种大的魔法不会出岔子的感觉。There's a couple of pleasingly dirty battles, but you're left with the feeling that a big of magic wouldn't have gone amiss.

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一个好的领导者能够提前意识到这一点并相应地作出安排,在原先的计划出岔子的时候提供一个后备的计划顶上。A good leader will recognize this ahead of time and plan accordingly, offering a backup plan when the original one goes awry.

然而事情往往会出岔子,因为所有者不会以一个合理的价钱和你成交,就像当初美国刚萌芽的飞机制造业一样。But often things go awry because owners won’t make a deal at a reasonable price, as with America’s nascent aircraft industry.

乘客同声骂船公司混帐,可是人人都奋不顾身地跳了,居然没出岔子。The passengers cursed the company in unison, but everyone went ahead and jumped regardless of the peril. Surprisingly, no mishaps occurred.

公司可以通过制定有效的连续性计划来化解这种风险,保证公司各方面的业务在出岔子的时候还能继续运行。Companies can manage this risk by having effective continuity plans to keep all the parts of the business working in the event of something going wrong.

你可以手忙脚乱、祈求一切别出岔子,或者你可以按照下面的一些简单步骤,让你的清晨充满快乐、没有压力。You can either fly by the seat of your pants and hope that everything is taken care of, or you can follow a few simple steps to make your mornings fun and stress-free.

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自然母亲没有导致可疑的一系列余震,你们的地震学家和地理学家应该很清楚一些事情出岔子了。Mother Nature isn’t causing the suspicious number of aftershocks, either, and it should be obvious to your seismologists and geologists that something is horribly awry.

事实上,所有事情看来并没有出岔子.一名消息人士指出,农业银行周二要求高盛牵头其IPO案路演.In fact, everything appears hunky-dory. AgBank on Tuesday asked the firm to take the lead in its planned roadshows to sell the IPO to investors, according to one source.

如果透过挡风玻璃看到的是不停打转的地面,听到的是乘客间间传来的骚乱声,那一定是哪里出岔子了。If all you can see out of the windscreen is ground that's going round and round and all you can hear is commotion coming from the passenger compartment, things are not at all as they should be.