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那我们就在荫凉处战斗。Then we will fight in the shade.

喜欢它夏天荫凉!Like it shady and cool in summer!

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这些树为人们提供荫凉。The trees afford a pleasant shade.

这些树底下多么荫凉舒服呀!What a pleasant shade these trees give us!

站在荫凉的区域内,然后闭上眼睛。o Stand in a shady area then close your eyes

我们在树下荫凉处休息一下好吗?Shall we rest in the shade beneath these trees?

他们将伞绑在柱子上以得到一些荫凉。They bound an umbrella to a pole to get some shade.

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一块吃饭用的麻栗树木材甲板和荫凉的一个天棚。A teak deck for al fresco dining and a canopy for shade.

斯威夫特表示,荫凉可以帮助矫正这些问题。Curtis Swift says shade can help correct these problems.

在他走开之后,他们已经是忙于发现新荫凉处。After he walked away, they have been busy finding new shade.

但是你忘记了荫凉会导致真菌的生长。But you forget that the shadow allows the growth of the fungi.

他走到围墙外面,站在一棵荫凉的植物下生气。He went outside the walls, sat under a shady plant and sulked.

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将包装封面盖在容器上,移置荫凉处。Put the cover of casing on the container, displace to the shade.

父爱是一棵大树,即使在烈日炎炎的夏日,也会为我撑起一片荫凉。Love is a tree, even in the scorching summer, will I hold a shade.

是谁给了小鸟一个温暖的家,是谁给了我们骄阳下的一片荫凉?Who gave the bird a warm home, who has given us a shade under the sun?

我和乔根森在那个地方停下来,在杨树的荫凉处休息。At that point Jrgensen and I paused in the shade of a cottonwood to rest.

酸豆酸酸味郁郁,酸豆树荫凉凉情浓浓。Acid taste Tamarindus melancholy, deep feelings Tamarindus cool shade of a tree.

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现在是午饭时间,发掘工地上的工人都已躲在荫凉处吃饭去了。It was lunch hour at the dig site, and the workers had gone to eat in the shade.

霍夫曼表示,宽叶植物在荫凉环境下似乎生长得更好。Mr. Hoffman says plants with wider leaves seem to do better in shady environments.

白脊屋顶使结构得以统一,在建筑间隙营造了一个遮蔽荫凉的空间。A white ridged roof will unite the structures, creating sheltered spaces in between.