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这些月历提醒了我之所以坚持这样做的原因。The calendars reminded me of why.

我喜欢搜集不同国家的月历。I like to collect calendars of different countries.

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这样的月历只是要让小朋友们能够耐心的等待圣诞节的到来。These calendars just make the wait to Christmas Eve a little easier.

月历共有12张由12位女生身穿贴身内衣拍摄的性感照片。Putin, " features 12 women wearing only underwear and pouting at the camera."

斋月是在穆斯林月历的九月,是伊斯兰教神圣的日子。Ramadan, the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, is the holiest time in Islam.

今天,这种月历已经成为中国传统文化的一个重要部分。Today, this calendar has become a crucial element of traditional Chinese cultures.

可是每当我再次在书店的架子上看到这些月历时,却仍心有余戚。But when I see these calendars on the shelves today, I still feel a residual emotional tug.

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而今年,它却是翻开月历上我最喜爱的九月的那个季节。This year, it happened to be the turning of the calendar to my favorite month of September.

今年七月有5个星期五、5个星期六和5个星期日。这种月历,823年才有一次。This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens once every 823 years.

从月历上撕下一页,将那个特殊的日子画圈来让你的礼物更有个性。Personalize a birthday present by taking a page from that month and circling the special day.

在每个月的第一天,我拿出月历,然后写下那个月我将要寄出的所有卡片。On the first of the month I get my calendar and write down all the cards I'll need to send that month.

在月历上贴出你每天必须完成的阅读量,并在完成阅读后划掉它。Post how much reading you must do each day on a calendar and when you finish the reading, cross it off.

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银禧的主要观点是一个有吸引力的前瞻性与即将到来的生日侧边栏,显示月历。Jubilee's main view is an attractive-looking monthly calendar with a sidebar indicating upcoming birthdays.

于左手边的月历选择使用日期后,页面中央会出现可选择之时间。Select date with the calendar located at left of the page, and select available time at the center of the page.

当我第一次站在露易斯湖前,我甚至不敢确定它到底是真的湖,或是月历上的图片。When I first stood in front of the lake, I even doubted whether it was a real lake or a picture from a calendar.

还派出了有曾经担任过月历拍摄长相宛若港星梁咏琪的空姐来吸引眼球。Also have been sent as a calendar looks like a Hong Kong star Gigi Leung filming of the flight attendants to attract eyeballs.

当你在任何一个搜索引擎上输入“月历”,你会找到许多可以下载和打印的月历。As you type in "Moon Calendar" on any search engine, you will find many possible calendars to download and print for this purpose.

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显示输出月历,用户继续查询的话返回重新继续输入年度月份,否则退出,结束程序。Display output calendar, users continue to query, then returns to re-enter the month of the year, otherwise the exit end of the program.

在支援闰月概念的月历中,闰月可能发生于一年中的某特定月份之后或任何月份之后。In a calendar that supports the notion of a leap month, the leap month can occur either after a particular month or after any month in a year.

我一把抢过爸爸的月历,并猛地拉开文件柜的抽屉。果然,那些卡片摆放得次序井然,从月头到月尾。I grabbed Dad's calendar and yanked open the file drawer. Sure enough, the cards were in perfect order, from the first of the month to the last.