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更少不了多喝几盅。Must have drinks several cups.

当然少不了的还有2.5英寸液晶显示屏。There is a 2.5-inch LCD display.

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这次郊游少不了你。We can't go without you for this outing.

阳光下和烛焰前都少不了。Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.

在火塘,永远都少不了的元素之一,就是音乐。The most important element in Huo Tang Bar is music.

当然少不了我的每日20卢比的新鲜椰肉了。And, of course, my daily fresh coconut for 20 Rupees.

终于把您给盼来了,摆酒接风总是少不了的。Finally here you are! We've prepared a feast for you.

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——犯错才是真性情,身心健康少不了To Err is Human, and Maybe Also Psychologically Healthy

新年到,新年好,新年祝福少不了。New Year, Happy New Year, New Year's blessing ultimately.

一切有生之论,都少不了睡眠的调剂。The whole the theory of living , all necessary sleep of adjust.

当然,这两方面都少不了电视的作用。Television, of course, has played its part in both developments.

抱歉,如果我要是布什的话,面子工程一定少不了的对吧,太可怕了I'm sorry, if I'm going to do Bush I got to work on that, don't I?

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要是想获得成功,大手拉小手的黑黄政权也少不了默克尔睁只眼闭只眼。To win, the "black-yellow" tandem needed Ms Merkel's mushiness, too.

也少不了一名高级兽医随侍左右,让你宠爱的海盗鹦鹉时刻神采奕奕。advanced veterinary practice kept your pirate parrots in fine fettle.

这里还有一个怪又不怪不想要又少不了的现象。There is a strange and don't blame don't want again without phenomenon.

你将需要相机三脚架,当然,少不了数码相机。You will need a camera tripod and of course a digital camera to do this.

展会上参展商家天南海北齐聚一堂,自然也少不了一些外国友帮!Show all exhibitors, nature also not gather some foreign friends to help!

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全都是些部长们常说的骗人鬼话和少不了的奉承恭维。There was all the usual humbug and obligatory compliments from ministers.

这表示财务方面的簿记工作是一定少不了的。This means that there will always be the need for financial book-keeping.

自然对共和国的60年的历程及其丰功伟绩少不了要称颂一番。Naturally, the 60 years of the Republic and what it has done are extolled.