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无论发生什么事,都要如实地认识它。Wahtever occurs, recognize it as right.

而路加如实传播了保罗的福音。And Luke correctly passed on Paul's gospel.

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他试图把这些事件如实地搬上银幕。He tried to realize these events on screen.

䌷署我只是想如实告诉你我的想法。I was only trying to tell you what was on my mind.

不要试图令事物按你所愿发展,只需试图如实了知。You are trying to know what is happening as it is.

所有的发票必须正确和如实填制。All the invoices must be filled in correctly and truly.

他的话没有如实地反映人民的观点。What he said did not reflect back the views of the people.

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以下各项必填且必须如实填写才能成功免费申请本域名!You have to input the real infomation to apply the domain!

你当如实地对他们讲述阿丹的两个儿子的故事。Recite to them the truth of the story of the two sons of Adam.

专家们相信,大多数问题并未如实通报给FDA。Experts believe most problems are under-reported to the agency.

但精神分析的支持者会说,即使你是如实作答。But a Freudian might say that even if this is your honest answer.

如实地顺从我们明知道是对的事情,这需要真正的勇气。It takes great courage to faithfull follow what we know to be true.

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有关单位和个人应当如实提供证据。The units and individuals concerned shall provide truthful evidence.

我们会尽我们所能,忠实地如实回答你们的问题。We will do our best to answer your questions faithfully and factually.

对于捐赠人的查询,基金会应当及时如实答复。Funds should respond to the inquiry of donators faithfully and in time.

圣经如实记载事实,它没有将英雄人物的错失故意略去隐藏起来。The Bible is very honest. It does not conceal the failure of its heroes.

强盗头目口服心服,随即将自己的种种罪行一一如实供出……The head gangster gave up, and confessed all his crimes and wrongdoings.

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我没有逃避问题,反之我是如实地正视实相。Instead of running away from the problem, we are facing reality as it is.

强盗头目口服心服,随即将自己的种种罪行一一如实供出……The head gangster gave up, and confessed all his crimes and misdemeanors.

不过,云空并没有察觉,如实地将苏楚侨受伤的经过相告。Cloud empty unaware, however, will faithfully Su Chu overseas injured after.