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这就是那座神龛的结局,他自身都难保,如何守护人?So that was the end of the shrine.

你赶快跑,不然的话你生命难保啊!Run along or your life will be in danger!

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与此同时,这位省长自身难保。The governor, meanwhile, was all but trapped.

而银行却自身难保。whereas governments would let some banks fail.

这样,你们就使我的头在王那里难保。then shall ye make me endanger my head to the king.

美国富有的贸易伙伴此刻也是自身难保。America's richer trading partners are struggling too.

他本人是泥菩萨过河,自身难保。He could not keep himself safe like mud bodhisattva pass river.

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这番话难保不会招致联盟其他成员的窃笑。That remark might arouse snickers from people around the league.

我自身难保了,这条烂规定可以废止吗?Okay, so I'm endangering myself so that this evil principle can die?

美有如盛夏的水果,而容易腐烂而难保持的。Beauty is as summer fruits, which are easy to corrupt, and cannot last.

他现在也是泥菩萨过河自身难保了。He is now like a clay Buddha fording the river, hardly able to save himself.

谁不想耕作又轻松,薪水又丰厚?不过这样的想法可难保不两头落空。The one who wants an easy job with a high pay will fall between two stools in the end.

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塔苏斯害怕性命难保,而且不相信邦联会保护他,因此逃离了奥尔托。Tusus, afraid for his life and not trusting the Confederacy to protect him, fled Orto.

很多用保姆的人都是银行从业者,而现在,他们已经自身难保。Many of the people who employ nannies are bankers and they are suffering now," she added.

很多用保姆的人都是银行从业者,而现在,他们已经自身难保。Many of the people who employ nannies are bankers and they are suffering now, " she added.

一颗新发现的彗星正一头朝太阳冲了过来,这种自杀式举动很可能令其小命难保。A newfound comet is heading for a brush with the sun, one which it will likely not survive.

然而对于当地濒死的渔业以及自身难保的律师们,此次“灾难”却是个发财的难得机会。But for a perishing fishing industry, ambulance-chasing lawyers, it is a golden opportunity.

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有些曾被崇拜了几代的艺术品却最终难保风光依旧。Other works of art that have been revered for generations have eventually gone out of fashion.

他们清楚,单凭自己不但自身难保,而且也不能随心所欲。They understood that our power alone cannot protect us, nor does it entitle us to do as we please.

亚历山大二世很清楚,若不弃小利,则大利难保。Alexander II is very clear, if not abandoned the small profits, then the Italian there is no guarantee.