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父亲叫我解释一下信里我二哥的情状,我把我的理解说了。My father asked me to explain the sentiment.

面对这样一种情状,我们该相信谁?When faced with such a situation, which do we believe?

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表示事物外现着自身的某种情状。Indicating something with a certain state of itself outward.

设备的机械保证情状如何?Whvia concerning the mechanicing guargettingte of the equipment?

这是全文的核心部分。最后,本文考察了汉语形容词可进入的情状类型。Finally, the type of situation that the Chinese adjective could get into is also explored.

但是大多数,这些资料包含一些资讯将会有助于分析情状。But mostly, the exhibits contain information that will be useful in analyzing the situation.

同样的星体,在同样的情状下,永远产生同样的效果在同样的议题上。The same agent, in the same conditions, always produces the same effects on the same subject.

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在开始描述我童年生活之前,我必须要告诉你们一些关于我生活的那个村子的一些情状。Before describing my true childhood, I should tell you some features about the country i lived.

我酷爱的友人,让我报告你一些相关财帛支配总共的情状。My listening friends let me tell you something about money and prosperity when it rules supreme.

本文检验情状体假说在中国学生的英语过渡语中是否成立。Chinese students are often found to have difficulties with the acquisition of English simple past.

教师将本课的教学重点形容词与情状副词的比较制成挂表,内容如附件一。Teacher compares the usuage of adjectives and adverbs, and makes a list for tow of them before the class.

调查结果表明,各组受试的动词屈折变化与情状体之间有密切关系。The results indicate significant interdependence of verb morphology and lexical aspect at each proficiency level.

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通常我之所以保留这些口语化的表达,是为了让大家能够进入聆听演讲者的情状。Usually I preserve those colloquial expressions so people can get into the situation of listening to the speaker.

作为历史已然的过往情状、主题,族群与政权的发展、兴替,是「典」、「册」文献记载的主要内容。The main content of 'dian' and 'ce' is about what has foregone or been replaced by different ethnic groups or governments.

我个人认为,就总体情状而言,认为我国人民的体质状况呈下降趋势是言过其实了。Speaking on the overall circumstance, I think the trend of my fellow countrymen's declining health appears to be exaggerated.

内容描绘宫廷中妃嫔、宫女的起居、饮食、娱乐等生活情状。These pieces describe the life of the imperial concubines and maids including their daily life, dining as well as recreation.

幕幕画面留下这个回到想像之起源的过程中的种种片刻运作情状和颤音。Each scene keeps the various instantaneous operating condition and trills in the process of going back to the origin of imagination.

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三组人物,显示我们民族在民主革命斗争时期的心灵大骚动的情状。Three groups of characters shows the situation of great psychic disturbance that our nation experienced during the Democratic Revolution.

她跺了下脚,告诉警察少管闲事,然后拿起本子飞速记下所有令她生气的情状。She stamped her foot, warned the policeman against interference, and in her notebook, jotted down memoranda of the display that offended her.

在林古度诗散佚比较严重的情况下,本文力图勾勒林古度诗歌创作的情状,并对林古度诗歌风貌及前后诗风的变化作整体的把握。This paper generally restores his creation to the original state and has an overall grasp of the features and changes of the style of his poems.