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靠死记硬背吗Is it all memorized?

不要死记硬背,而要活说活用。Don't memorise it, live it.

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尽管这无助于死记硬背。It helps not to cram, though.

他们说,哦,这是死记硬背啊。They say, oh, this is rote learning.

不过你们不必全都死记硬背You don't have to memorize all this.

所以你们不需要去死记硬背它。So you don't really have to memorize that.

绝不要脱离上下文孤立地去死记硬背。Third, never cram for it without contexts.

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在学习上,死记硬背是一种低效的方法。Rote memorization is an inefficient way to learn.

基于传统死记硬背学习方法制定的课程。A curriculum designed on traditional rote-learning methods.

亚洲的教育还是很沉闷,靠死记硬背而且负担重。Education in Asia is still too stifling, rote and high-pressured.

如果你只是死记硬背,你将永远学不会英语。If you learn English parrot-fashion, you'll never know what English is.

如果你只是死记硬背英语,你将永遥学不会英语。If you learn English parrot-fashion, you'll never know what English is.

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如果你只是死记硬背,你将永远学不会英语。If you learn English parrot-fashion , you'll never know what English is.

他从来不愿意出现一种关系,里面尽是死记硬背式的祈祷,墨守陈规,和公式一样的东西。He doesn’t want a relationship of rote prayers, rule keeping and formulas.

也许,中国的教育体制确实是过于注重死记硬背的学习方法。It may be true that rote learning is over-emphasized in Chinese education.

新课程将更注重培养学生解决问题而非死记硬背的能力。And a new curriculum will focus more on problem-solving than rote learning.

你看,这个记法比死记硬背要有趣得多。That you look at , this writes down law is much more amusing than cramming up.

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当然,死记硬背或许是学习历史学科最有效的学习方法。Of course, cramming is probably the single most popular study technique in history.

施院长说,新课程将更注重培养学生解决问题而非死记硬背的能力。And a new curriculum will focus more on problem-solving than rote learning, Shi says.

每逢考试周,他总是尽多地死记硬背。He always tries to cram as much information into his brain as possible during exam week.