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宣纸泼墨,画笔勾勒出轮廓。Rice paper Chinese ink, brush outline outline.

我铺开宣纸,倒上墨,开始写。I spread out the paper, pour ink, and began to write.

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宣纸是我国独特的纸制品。Rice paper is the unique paper produced in our country.

这里使用的宣纸百分之六十是南方制造的。Over sixty percent of the rice paper used here is made in the south.

我来到爷爷的房间,找爷爷要一张宣纸。I came to Grandpa's room, looking for my grandfather to be a rice paper.

把皮宣纸糊上天然胶水,一层层糊在伞骨上,这是余杭纸伞的传统工艺。Gluing layers of paper is the way how to make a traditional paper umbrella.

它的质地变得如宣纸一般,宜于在上面泼墨作画,勾描,渲染。Its texture such as paper, for the above ink painting, write off, rendering.

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比赛当日将提供毛笔、墨和宣纸。P. S. Chinese writing brushes, ink sticks, and Xuan papers will be provided.

宣纸是产于安徽省宣城的一种高质量的纸。The Xuan paper is a kind of high quality paper made in Xuancheng, Anhui Province.

我觉得很多人都是在拿宣纸和墨的材料做文章。I think that many people are making exploration on the materials of rice paper and ink.

它是一层具有与宣纸相似特性的白色半透明薄膜。It appears as a white, thin translucent membrane with a character similar to rice paper.

妈妈告诉我做风筝必须用宣纸,我心想为什么必须用宣纸呢?Mom told me to do kite must use rice paper, rice paper, I thought to myself why must it?

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笺纸、宣纸的制作工艺日趋精湛。The paper of writing paper, making craft of the rice paper are becoming more consummate.

宣纸以及高、中等饱和度绿纸的舒适度低。The rice paper and green paper with high or medium saturation have lower comfort degree.

材料是宣纸,渲染中国画所用的矿物颜料。The materials are rice paper and mineral palette used to romance traditional Chinese painting.

地图长12英尺,宽5英尺,印在六卷宣纸上,于美国国会图书馆展出。The 12ft by 5ft document, printed on six rolls of rice paper, is on show at the Library of Congress.

地图长12英尺,宽5英尺,印在六卷宣纸上,于美国国会图书馆展出。The 12ft by 5ft document, printed on six rolls of rice paper, is on show at the Library of Congress.

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这种带暗花的宣纸使用了“透光笺”的制作方法。This kind of xuan paper with hidden veins adopted the processing method of "translucidus notepaper ".

桌上静静的搁着一封信,信纸是薄薄的泛黄的淡灰色宣纸,格以褐色的道。Putting aside a letter, silently on letter-paper pale yellow is a thin, glen gray paper with brown word.

文章详细介绍了传统宣纸原材料的选择,加工和纸张的抄造技术。This paper introduced in details that the choice of material and the process for traditional rice paper.