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迅雷资源搜索引擎检索器和用户接口的实现。The implement of XunLei searcher and user-interface.

迅雷IGBT代高电压功率IGBT。Thunderbolt IGBT generation high voltage power IGBTs.

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迅雷IGBT的?代IGBT的高压电源。Thunderbolt IGBT? generation high voltage power IGBTs.

大公司在迅雷不及掩耳的情况下一一倒塌。Flagship corporations collapsing in the blink of an eye.

拿破伦策划对他的宿敌实施迅雷不及掩耳的打击。Napoleon planned to strike a quick blow at his old enemy.

她是迅雷部族的成员之一,也就是T。She is a member of the Thunderfoot tribe which also is T.

她试着迅雷不及掩耳把自己的食物放到我的嘴里。She is so quick and will try to put her food into my mouth.

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迅雷是好的,和英文版本奥索非常好。Thunder is good, and the English version is oso pretty nice.

您不能在这个宗卷上安装“迅雷”。Installation cannot proceed, as not all requirements were met.

这个国家的经济以迅雷不及掩耳的速度发展起来。This country 's economy has been developing at breakneck speed.

鱼迅速地调转身去,但是阿黄给它来了个迅雷不及掩耳。The fish turned back quickly, but Old Yeller was too fast for him.

三日月以迅雷不及掩耳的速度穿越竹林。Mikazuki is traversing across the bamboo forest at lightning speed.

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迅雷IGBT是新一代高电压功率IGBT。The Thunderbolt IGBT is a new generation of high voltage power IGBTs.

今日中午,迅雷方面也传出将反诉MPAA的消息。At noon today, Thunder is also reported to the MPAA counterclaims news.

2007年1月5日宣布投资大型文件下载工具迅雷。January 5, 2007, announced investment in Xunlei, a mega-file downloader

奇才的战绩只有9胜33负,在全联盟30支球队中只比迅雷队好。The Wizards are 9-33, ahead of only Oklahoma City in the 30-team league.

迅雷因为它的按键功能被戏称为“按键车”。It was nicknamed the “pushbutton car” because of its push button feature.

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自网络搜索技术诞生之日起,搜索引擎正以迅雷之势影响着整个世界。Since the birth of the search engine, it has impact the whole word deeply.

人类历史上最迅雷不及掩耳势的种族屠杀,因第一次空难而师出有“名”。The first crash served as the pretext for the swiftest genocide in history.

附加交叉成员是最难的迅雷建设。Attaching the cross-members is the hardest part in building the Thunderbolt.