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两名患者都处在危重状态。Both patients are in critical conditions.

脓毒症是常见的危重病。Sepsis is one of common critical diseases.

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他仍在医院治疗,病情危重。He remains in hospital in a critical condition.

他曾病情危重,而目前病情在好转。He was in a critical condition but he is recovering.

一天,人们抬来一个危重病人。One day, people carried a seriously ill patient to Hua Tuo.

欢迎到大西洋呼吸病学和危重病急救会议。Welcome to the Atlantic Respirology and Critical Care Conference.

一些危重病人试图回家,但我不知道他们最后有没有回去。The sickest people tried to go home. I don't know if they made it.

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病人被诊断为患有肺炎,现在病情危重。She was diagnosed to have pneumonia and is now in a critical condition.

肾挫伤分为轻度、重度、危重性三类,。Renal contusion was in additon graded into mild, sever and critical types.

急性心肌梗死是冠心病中的危重症,病死率高。Acute myocardial infarction is a very serious disease with a high mortality.

HP为治疗灭鼠药中毒危重患儿的有效手段。HP is a safe and effective treatment for severe children with acute poisoning.

重症脓毒症与脓毒症性休克是常见的临床危重疾病。Severe sepsis and septic shock are common diseases in critically ill patients.

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病人的病情危重并采用人口通气治疗,病人于5月9日死亡。She was in a critical condition under artificial ventilation and died on 9 May.

目的总结神经内科危重病人气管切开术后的护理。Objective To sum up the critical care of neurological patients after tracheotomy.

弗罗多在阳光海岸野生动物医院还处在危重状态。Frodo remains in a critical condition at a wildlifehospital on the Sunshine Coast.

因此,医院员工让危重病人的家属自己去买这些东西。So hospital staffers told the relatives of critically ill patients to go buy their own.

血液灌流是治疗中毒,清除细胞因子,抢救危重症的一种有效方法。Hemoperfusion is an effective method to treat poisoning, clear cytokines and rescue crises.

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胃肠功能障碍的危重新生儿平均伴有器官衰竭的数目为1.83个。The number of gastrointestinal dysfunction accompanied by organ failure was 1.83 on average.

结论大黄对急诊危重症患者SIRS的治疗有重要价值。Conclusion The therapeutic value of rhubarb on SIRS in acute critical disease is significant.

结论革兰阳性球菌是危重病患者菌血症的重要致病菌。Conclusion Gram positive organisms are major pathogens of bacteremia in critically ill patients.