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但这种批评完全不着边际。But the critics have it exactly backwards.

拒绝空洞地理想,拒绝不着边际的政治。We refuse empty ideals and discursive politics.

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按舒尔茨先生的话说,洛桑会议因此变得有点不着边际。Lausanne, says Mr Schulz, therefore became irrelevant.

他们不着边际地谈了好几个小时,没有达成任何意见。They talked round for hours without agreeing on anything.

他越讲越不着边际。The more he talked, the further he strayed from the point.

只要加强防守,AI和甜瓜就会去投不着边际的投篮的。Tighten up the D, AI and Melo will take ill-advised shots.

这里没有阴谋论,没有不着边际的胡猜,没有偏执妄想。There are no conspiracy theories, no wild speculations, no paranoia.

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一切都不着边际,耳朵音乐,眼前书,一个小天地展现出来。All far-fetched, ears music, the present book, a little world emerged.

一些问题问的不着边际,一些问题问的令你诧异。Asked irrelevant questions, ask some questions to make you surprised.

我早已经过了青少年期,因此你也许觉得我说的似乎不着边际、过于放肆。I’m no longer a teen-ager, so what I say might seem irrelevant, presumptuous.

因为时间有限,这一不着边际的部分就到此结束。That's the end of this installment of ramblings, for the time being at least.

对传统学者而言,上述问题完全是不着边际。For many traditional academicians, this question might even seem out of place.

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他不回答我的问题而是不着边际的兜圈子。He doesn't answer my question but be faring off the mark of go around in circles.

每当我们的回答不着边际时,我们的老师就从她的眼镜框上面看我们。Our teacher had a way of looking over her glasses at us whenever we offered a silly answer.

对于利润率强劲反弹的期待是完全不着边际的。The expectation that in these conditions profits will rebound strongly is quite far-fetched.

虽然这些术语非常空泛,让人感到不着边际,但是他们仍难免让我们联想到自己的弟弟。While all ofthese terms are frustratingly vague, we can't help but feel that they aredescribing our little brother.

委员会若要取得成果,需要摈除不着边际的观点,提出更实际的建议。The committee will need to winnow out the nonsense and produce more practical proposals if it is to achieve results.

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只不过孩子长大了一些,成了老师家长眼中公认的好孩子,再也不会想一些不着边际的事,说一些莫名其妙的话了。Meanwhile, he has been regarded as a good boy who will not talk about the ill-advised things or say the strange words.

为了满足我自己的虚荣心,我待人总是不着边际地猜忌多端,而且还要做得使我自己无懈可击。who have often disdained the generous candour of my sister, and gratified my vanity, in useless or blameable distrust.

下面是罗森布鲁门在年会上揭露的十大谣传,及杜依夫告诉您如何区分真实的和不着边际的饮食观点的建议。Here are 10 diet myths Rosenbloom shattered at the conference, and Duyff's tips on telling diet fact from diet fiction.