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有何公干?What important business brings you here?

上周的外出公干真把我累坏了…Last week's business trip really put me out tired.

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诚属公干或旅游的理想住宿选择。Honesty is the ideal business or tourist accommodation.

我在秘鲁公干时,公司给我报销花费。When I went on business to Peru , the office refunded my expenses.

你来伦敦是看望家人还是公干?Did you come to London to see your family or for business purposes?

我到纽约公干时常顺便看场演出。I generally try to take in a show when I'm in New York on business.

你来伦敦是来看望家人,还是公干?。Did you come to London to see your family, or for business purposes?

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不论您是公干还是休假、旅游,中恒君豪大酒店是您的最佳选择!It will be your best choice, whether you are on business, or on trip.

伦敦有重要公干,总公司正在考虑派你去。The head office is considering sending you to London on important meeting.

酒店还配备会议室、停车场,是您到阳朔旅游休闲、商务公干的首选下榻之处。The Hotel is the best choice for your tour journey and business trip in Yangshuo.

特此通知,小弟将于今晚乘机远赴芝加哥公干五天。Please be advised that I will have a five-day business trip to Chicago effective from today night.

无论您是到此公干或度假消闲,都会受到专业体贴的接待。Whether you are here for business or for leisure, our professionally-trained staff are always there to serve you.

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若「公干万全保」保单一旦取消,「中国医疗卡」的保障亦会同时失效,所缴年费概不退还。In case the Business TravelCare policy is cancelled, cover under China Medical Card will also cease with no refund.

在威尼斯的公干很紧张,排得紧密的日程表让我对逛街购物早已不怀奢望。In Venice's official business very nervous, arrange the schedule let me close to shopping mall has no arms happening.

蔡依林与周杰伦这对旧情人,前日不约而同来港公干,周杰伦事先张扬此行不会与蔡依林会面。Jolin and ex-lover Jay came to Hong Kong earlier to work and Jay has already said that he would not meet up with Jolin.

因一次赴苏格兰公干而邂逅了爱丽丝,一夜风流后即返港。Because one time went to the Scotland business to meet unexpectedly Ailisi, after a night loose, namely returned to Hong Kong.

无论您是商务公干,还是旅游度假,在白天鹅宾馆都能感受到居停方便、舒适、自然。Whether your business is business, or Holiday, in the White Swan Hotel accommodation can feel convenient, comfortable and natural.

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市长往日本公干前召开会议,更将代市长的职责交予董铭担任,乙恒心中大感不满。The mayor to Japan before business meeting, more will DaiShiChang duty to DongMing as a, b persistence cuhk feeling dissatisfaction.

贵行人员在伦敦和巴黎之间公干时我们常有幸接待,先生。We have often times the honour to entertain your gentlemen in their travelling backwards and forwards betwixt London and Paris, sir.

与这两个免费停车场和上网这家酒店是理想的住宿地点是否前往德文郡的乐趣或公干。With both free parking and internet access this hotel is the ideal place to stay whether visiting Devon for pleasure or on business.