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你怕不怕打雷?Are you afraid of thunder?

天开始打雷下雨。It began to thunder and rain.

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打雷的天气常常使牛奶变酸。Thundery weather often turns milk sour.

这小女孩非常害怕打雷。The little girl is intensely afraid of thunder.

打雷恐怖还是看鬼片恐怖???Does thundery horror still see ghost piece horrible? ? ?

保罗在客场打雷丁和主场战朴次茅斯的比赛中表现一流。Paulo was superb away to Reading and at home to Portsmouth.

在暴风雨期间她被打雷的隆隆声惊醒。She was awakened during the storm by the rumbles of thunder.

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我要是说一句假话,我天打雷劈,不得好死。If I say a lie, my day is thundery break off, must not very dead.

当地原住民把这种景观称为「莫西奥阿吞亚」,也就是「会打雷的烟雾」。Area natives call them "Mosi-oa-tunya" or "the smoke that thunders.

如遇打雷闪电,请立即停止打球,到安全区暂避。In case of lightning, please stop play and take shelter immediately.

混蛋天打雷劈的水!为什么你刚才不告诉我水这么热呢?Confound the dad-blasted water! Why didn't you tell me it was so hot?

爸爸说起话来像打雷,震得墙壁都嗡嗡直响。When father speaks, it is like thundering, and the wall will be shaken.

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在黑暗的夜里,打雷时,你看见什么?电!On a dark night, when the thunder crashes, what do you see? Electricity!

这里有雨、风、雪,有时还有猛烈的暴风雨,可就是从不打雷。We have rain, wind, snow and some violent storms, but it never thunders.

他*的,我这辈子,再说一句爱你就天打雷劈,不得好死,万剑穿心!He *, my life, say a love you tiandaleipi, Budehaosi, 000 sword piercing!

为什么在打雷时,我们总是先看到闪电后听到雷声?When it thunders why do we see the lighting first, then hear the thunder?

它起源于打雷下雨时用来消磨时间的一个游戏。It began as a game to pass the time while the rain fell and lightning struck.

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她总是怕打雷,现在不定吓成什么样呢。She was always afraid of thunder, is now uncertain what kind of scared into it.

打雷时会感到振动,下雨时能感到水雾。When it thunders you'll feel the vibration. When it rains you'll feel the mist.'

打雷的时候对你说“老婆来我抱着你睡”因为我知道你害怕打雷。Thunder when you say "I hold your wife to sleep" because I know you fear thunder.