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儿子满眼不惑。Son eyeful perplexed.

现在,右翼满眼所见都是这个恶魔幻影。Now it is all they can see.

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抬头仰望,满眼都是鲜润的蔚蓝色。Looked up, the eyeful are blue.

这个女孩满眼含泪地回家了。The girl went home with tears in her eyes.

而此时的我,已是满眼水汪汪的泪水。And at this time I have a eyeful watery tears.

二月红看着丫头,满眼宠溺。February red looked at the girl, eyeful spoil.

狗外婆现在满眼泪水。This dog grandma is writing with tears in my eyes.

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但我幼稚而木纳,现在我满眼泪花。But I was young and foolish and now I'm full of tears.

他满眼哀伤,仰望着深兰色的天空。He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep blue sky.

这种设计满眼是热闹的颜色,心情却是安顿的。This design is lively eyeful of colour, the mood is down.

灰泥从天花板上碎落到他们头上,弄得他们满头满眼全是。Bits of plaster rained down on our heads from the ceiling.

“这也象你,贾菲,满眼泪水的研究“我眼里没有充满泪水!”That's like you too, Japhy, studying with eyes full of tears.

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满眼柔丝飞絮雾蒙蒙的溶了一角的天空。Eyeful rose willow catkins foggy dissolve a corner of the sky.

满眼都是雾气,幻觉,是拥挤的树木和树木。Eyeful is fog, hallucinations, is crowded with trees and trees.

望着满眼的石灰墙、水泥路,我的心也一片灰暗。Looking at the wall with lime, cement road, my heart is gloomy.

她满眼狐疑地看着我,然后摇了摇头。She looked at me with the eyes of a skeptic and shook her head.

纵然满眼添归思,未把渔竿奈尔何。Tim eyeful go even thinking, not what the fishing rod McConnell.

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无论什么时候,满眼看到的都是人,数不清的拥挤人群。Whenever you look, it's people, an innumerable throng of people.

在我的劝说下,甜甜满眼含泪地松开姥姥的手。In my persuasion, sweet with tears in her eyes released her hand.

草已经很长,还是遮不住满眼的废弃物。The grass had been deep, but still could not cover so much garbage.