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会柳暗花明的,我们要做的就是继续努力。But we will be alright, we just need to keep going.

欧洲航天局称,多亏了这次追查,事情开始柳暗花明了。Thanks to the crackdown, things are starting to improve, ESA said.

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我期待着,世界经济终将柳暗花明,再度繁荣。I look forward to the day when the world economy returns to good health.

从绝望中看到希望如同柳暗花明又一春。From despair to hope as dense willow trees and bright flowers and spring.

生活是好的,峰回路转,柳暗花明,前面总会有另一番不同的风光。Life is good, to master, frame, front there is always a different scenery.

没有小径的花园是平淡的,少了点柳暗花明的意外喜悦。A garden without paths is nothing but milk and water, because of no surprises.

然而,困难的背面就是柳暗花明。However, the difficulty is the reverse side of dense willow trees and bright flowers.

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把带来的新主意、新灵感和新知识融合其中,做出改进,终会柳暗花明。They bring new ideas, new inspiration, new information, and they toss them in the mix.

不要去钻牛角尖,换个角度思考问题,你会得到“柳暗花明又一村”的惊喜。Do not go over, change an angle to think, you will get" there is a way out. " surprise.

我知道有时候,事情会变得艰难,但山重水复之后才会见到柳暗花明。I know sometimes things can get tough but you have to push past the bad to see the good.

现代诗词道“山重火复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”恰是那二心理的写照。Ancient poems said" mountains multiply and streams double back no doubt, there is a way out."

真正的山重水复,真正的柳暗花明。The real mountains multiply and streams double back real dense willow trees and bright flowers.

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碧水蓝天、柳暗花明、青山绵延无际,湖畔涵养林带来充足的绿色氧分。Pik blue sky, a way out , Castle Peak you eyes, lakes conserve forests have adequate green Yangfen.

一念之转,两岸似已出现柳暗花明的新形势。In the blink of an eye, the two sides have apparently emerged from a dark tunnel onto a sunlit plain.

只要挣扎会使日暮途穷变得柳暗花明,会使低微地生命变得悲壮与巨大。Will become exhausted, only to struggle a turn for the better, life will become humble and the great tragic.

以后再处理难搞的任务,或许就能柳暗花明。Circle back to the frustrating task later and you might just see the solution from a different vantage point.

我不在沉醉了往昔的霓裳羽衣,在你的心情里使自己柳暗花明!I don't enjoy the past performance featured, in your feelings so that their dense willow trees and bright flowers!

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在说什么也于事无补,只希望像“柳暗花明,又一春”这话会发生在我身上而不如意之事会像我挥挥手,说拜拜…It would rather made no point to say anything, but hopefully all the bad things that happen would say bye bye to me.

因为包容和信任,我们才成为彼此最温暖的怀抱,即使在山穷水尽的时刻,也相信柳暗花明。Because of inclusion and trust, we become the warmest embrace each other, even in the dead end of time, and believe a way out.

此协议也表明美国与俄罗斯的关系从奥巴马执政以来的低谷中走向柳暗花明。The deal also underscores the improvement in U.S. Russian relations, which had been at a low point when President Obama took office.