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文艺学研究正处于一个转型或新变的时期。Now, the literary research is at the changing point.

钟敬文先生是我国著名的民俗学家、民间文艺学家。Zhong Jingwen is a famous folklorist and folk artist in China.

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这种新的人学理论对文艺学同样具有普遍意义。The new human theory also has the general significance on literature theory.

文艺学研究正面临着文化研究发起的诸多挑战。The literary research work is facing many challenges of cultural development.

当代文艺学建设的主要资源在哪里?。Where Is the Major Resource of Contemporary Literature and Art's Construction?

钟敬文既是著名的民间文艺学家和民俗学家,又是资深的教育家。Zhong Jingwen is both a famous folklore specialist and qualified educationalist.

普罗普是前苏联著名的民俗学者,举世公认的民间文艺学研究的一代宗师。Propp is the famous scholar of Russian folklore. He is well known all over the world.

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马克思主义文艺学就是在这种格局中获得新的更大的发展。Marxist Study of Literature obtains its newer and greater development in this situation.

政治上改旗易帜后的俄罗斯文艺学抛弃了原先的思想理论基础。After the political conversion, Russian literary theory got rid of the old thought system.

钟敬文既是著名的民间文艺学家和民俗学家,又是资深的教育家。Zhong Jingwen is both a famous folklore specialist and a senior and qualified educationalist.

其实,与民间文艺学一刀两断的民俗学又何尝能独立门户。In fact, make a clean break with the Folk Art Folklore having the same problem can be their own.

宗白华是中国现代美学、文艺学的奠基人之一。Zong Baihua is one of the founders of Chinese modern Aesthetics and Theory of Literature and Art.

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它是文艺学和修辞学的综合,又构成一套完整的理论体系。Literary rhetoric integrates rhetoric and the literary theory, and develops into a complete theory itself.

文化研究是文艺学学科反思的重要学术背景。Cultural Studies provides an indispensable background for the reflection on literary theory as a discipline.

典型理论与原型理论的起伏更替是文艺学领域中引人注目的现象。The fluctuation of theories of Type and Prototype is a noticeable phenomenon in the literary and art domain.

文章认为,从文艺学的视点出发,世界范围内舞台戏剧并没有出现像中国那样的边缘现象。From the aspect of literature, dramas all over the world have not appeared to be marginal, unlike Chinese drama.

文艺学等相关学科的转向及其困境也为文化研究的兴起提供了空间。And the predicaments and re-orientation of literary and art theories provides space for the rise of cultural studies.

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实践存在论是近年出现在美学、文艺学研究领域的一种本体观。The practical ontology is a kind of ontological concept in the research of literature and aesthetics in recent years.

它的艺术品质则与中国古代文艺学美学审美发展过程不可分离。Its artistic feature cannot be separated from the whole developmental process of the ancient Chinese artistic aesthesis.

“文艺学”作为“中国语言文学”下的二级学科,其核心就是文学理论的研究。The kernel of Science of literature, as a sub-discipline of the Chinese Literature, is the study of its literary theory.