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她在亡夫丧礼中十分感伤。She sobbed at her husband's funeral.

其余的就是丧礼和殡葬者的费用。The rest was for the ceremony and undertakers' fees.

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奥巴马总统将在丧礼上发表祭文。President Obama will be delivered the funeral oration.

当伯沙撒嘲笑神时,他的欢宴变成了丧礼。When Belshazzar mocked God, his feast became a funeral.

不久以前,这教会举行了一次悲哀的丧礼。Here we had, not long ago, a very sad funeral in this church.

不论是丧礼,或是落土仪式,都没有多少观礼的人。There are only a few at the funeral home and at the graveside.

所以李太太相信殡葬者,让他们处理丧礼。So Mrs. Li trusted the undertakers to take care of the funeral.

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丧礼在中国古时候是由皇帝制定的。In ancient China, etiquette for funerals was set by the emperor.

花,在许多中文化中,被用来装饰结婚、丧礼和孩子的新生。The flower in many cultures is used for weddings , funerals and births.

在为他举行丧礼时,约10万人在教堂外肃立致哀。Some 100,000 Americans stood outside the church at the time of his funeral.

友人不知如何通知他,只好着手准备丧礼。Friends had not known where to reach him, so the funeral was then in progress.

在丧礼上保护尸体,但是一旦埋葬后,纤维物就会分解。They protect the body for the funeral, but, once buried, the fibres break down.

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家驹于香港举行丧礼,遗体于将军澳华人永远坟场下葬,并在日本举行追悼会。KOMA hold the funeral rite in Hong Kong, and hold the memorial service in Japan.

在新式丧礼观的影响下,五四时期的丧葬礼俗也发生了变化。Under the influence of the new outlook, the funeral customs changed in some ways.

“很遗憾你失去了亲人”,他说。“你对于丧礼有准备了吗?”“I'm really sorry for your loss,” he said. “Have you made any funeral arrangements?”

迈克尔的丧礼几周后,凯西每天仍在丧子之痛中挣扎着。Weeks after Michael's funeral, Kathy was still struggling to make it through each day.

依富高的女性通常都是在收割、丧礼与婚礼时吟颂此史诗。The epic is chanted by Ifugao women usually at harvest time, funeral wakes, and weddings.

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乔杰克逊说,家族尚未准备好公布麦克尔的丧礼细节。Joe Jackson says the family is not ready to release details of the singer's funeral plans.

近三十年来,在教堂做洗礼,举行婚礼丧礼的人数越来越少。The demand for church baptisms, weddings and funerals has fallen sharply in the last 30 years.

然而,丧礼行列和坟场显示,死亡是世人不能逃避的事实。But funeral processions and cemeteries show that death is a fact we can't escape in this world.