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如果平局就掷硬币Flip if tie.

人们在乎“如果”。People care if.

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如果这个棍。if this sticks.

如果你确定的话。If you are sure.

如果是,继续。If yes, continue.

什么,如果分析。What-if analysis.

如果失败了呢?And if that fails?

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可是真的只是如果。But really only if.

如果我将速度加倍。I double the speed.

如果幕后主使真的是阿基里斯的话。If it was Achilles.

如果有的话,请分享。If so please share.

如果你敢,你就试试看。Try it if you dare.

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—如果我生病了怎么办?What if I get sick?

如果透支了怎么办?What if I overdraw?

如果我们相见?When we shall meet?

如果不能就不放。If I can't, I don't.

如果我有这个机会。If I had the chance.

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如果没有冬天。If we had no winter.

如果你再敢,我说道。If you ever, I said.

如果你走得快的话。If you walk quickly.