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局势不稳。The situation was unstable.

紧张局势逐渐缓和了。The tension eased off slowly.

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局势安定了下来。The situation has settled down.

对手的大号三分没能扭转局势。The Big Three didn't win the title.

你是怎么控制住局势的?How could you hold down the situation?

战争局势陷入了僵持阶段。The war situation has been stalemated.

他能够应付当前的局势。He can cope with the present situation.

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南北双方形成了剑拔弩张的紧张局势。The North and South were at loggerheads.

埃及罢工失败致使局势紧张。Egypt Strike Fizzles Amid Tight Security.

使得我能轻易扭转局势。I was able to turn the table on her easy.

那里的局势显然是紧张的。Obviously, it is a testy situation there.

现在看来,半岛紧张局势似乎已经到头。For now, the situation may have plateaued.

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这一事件使已存在的紧张局势更加恶化了。This affair keyed up the existing tension.

其结果将是国际局势日益紧张。The result is rising international tension.

局势趋于稳定。The situation is tending towards stability.

我们控制住了局势,州长先生。We have everything under control, Governor.

黑方多兵并且有一个安全的局势。Black has an extra pawn and a safe position.

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前方的军事局势急转直下。The military on the front went swiftly ahead.

我们失去了对局势的控制,非常被动。We lost that situation. We were outmaneuvered.

但如今不稳定的局势不能持续”。But the current unstable situation cannot last.