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赛艇上有舵手吗?。Did the scull have a cox?

那舵手把我们的船掉过头来。The helmsman brought us about.

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你可以随时做我的舵手!You can be my wingman anytime!

舵手把我们引上了新途!The helmsman steered us through!

舵手拨转船头。The helmsman brought the ship about.

我明白你才是真正的舵手。I like to say you are the real steerer.

舵手独自一人就能变换航向。The helmsman could tack the boat singlehanded.

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从此,中国有了坚强而有力的舵手!Since then, China has a strong and powerful helmsman!

舵手,按尼可斯博士计算的字母设置。Helmsman, follow Dr. Nichols' Calculations to the letter.

‘大叉烧’,他是个不同寻常的人,”舵手对我说。"He's no common man, Barbecue, " said the coxswain to me.

这是我们的土地,但我们不能看着它,我们的舵手NVA说。It is our land but we can't look at it, said NVA, our helmsman.

像一只没有方向的小舟,在寻找着永远的舵手。Like a directionless boat, it is seeking the eternal steersman.

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塞缪尔·朗荷恩·克列门斯拿到了轮船舵手执照。Samuel Langhorne Clemens earned his steamboat pilot 's license.

像一只没有方向的小舟,在寻找着永远的舵手。Like a directionless shallop, I am seeking my eternal steersman.

这世上再找不到比他更好的桨手和舵手了。There was no better paddler , no better steersman than my brother.

舵手必须组织和鼓励所有艇员同心协力进行比赛。The cox should organize and encourage all oar men to work together.

一切只是坐在上盖的舵手为时间。Everything is just sitting atop of the wheelhouse for the time being.

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或许"我只是天空中一片悄然而过的云彩,我的思想和生命都是自由的,我不想让任何人成为我的舵手。"I set my thought and life free. I don't want anyone to be my steerman.

我的灭火轮将配备一个遥控器在电视镜头舵手。My fireboat will be equipped with a remote TV camera in the Wheelhouse.

具有讽刺意味的是,“舵手权威”在篮球中尤其明显。The Coxswain Authority is especially, ironically evident in basketball.