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于是就没有抓他到阎罗王那儿去喝茶。Well, they didn't drag him off to have tea with King Yama.

咁所以帮阎罗王打工个喳都系牛头多过马面。So, you can see many ox- faces working for the King of Hell.

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丁日被阎罗王打伤,遇兆天时求他救一山。Ding was wounded in Yama, Zhao day ask him to save a mountain.

唐五代时期是阎罗王形象的最重要的衍化期。Yama's image developed in Tang and the following Five Dynasty.

因为阎罗王也好喝茶,你们知道吗?You know, of course, that King Yama also enjoys a good cup of tea.

本文认为这可能是阎罗王形象从一开始就呈现出高度中国化的关键因素。I think this is the main reason that why Yama's image has Chinese character.

阎罗王头饰中的颅骨示意他代表着死亡、时间和无常。Skulls in Yama's head-dress show that he represents death, time and impermanence.

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阎罗,即阎罗王,又称阎魔罗王、阎魔王等,是中国人非常熟悉阴间之王。Yama, namely Yama-raja, or king of Hell, etc, is very familiar to Chinese people.

阎罗王占据东北方沃焦石下的叫唤大地狱。The King of Hell occupies northeast fertile burnt stone under of scream the earth jail.

在阎罗王的领导下﹐这批鬼官吏们负责办理一切鬼魂投胎转世的事务。The ghost officials are in charge of the rebirth of the ghosts under the overall leadership of Yama.

然而,这只猴子把刀子拿得太近了,以至于将喉咙伤得太严重,不到一小时就到阎罗王那儿报道了。The animal, however, brought the knife too close, and cut its throat so badly that it dies within an hour.

死后﹐由于他有这麽多年的经验﹐阎罗王便也派他为法官。After death, since he had so many years of experience, the grand ruler of the ghost world also appointed him a judge.

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此时期,地藏信仰与十王信仰汇集在一起构成了地藏十王组合式的信仰和图卷,为此后阎罗王形象的主要存在形式。Daring this period, the faith of God of Earth and Ten King of Hell composed each other, then it became the main form of Yama's image.

我们的业藏著的种子,跟著我们走,到时候善恶,摊在阎罗王面前对簿公堂。Only karmic seeds in our consciousness will follow us. All our good and bad deeds will be laid bare for the King of Hell to judge us.

陆法官现在阴间被公认为最公正无私及最受尊敬的法官之一﹐也很得阎罗王的信任。Judge Lu now was well known as one of the most impartial and honorable judges in the world of ghosts and had won the trust of the grand ruler.

还有些说法,轮子代表阎罗王手中持的镜子,用于给一个濒死的人揭示下一次投生的不同的可能的去向。On some accounts the wheel represents a mirror held up by Yama to a dying person revealing the various possibilities for the next rebirth open to them.

一想到这,我不免胆战心惊,原本已经有点发冷的我更加寒颤,似乎感觉到自己正被阎罗王拉着往前走,前面就是冥王府。Think about it, I not scared, originally I already have some chills, seem to feel more chills are being pulled ahead king of hell, front is hades mansion.

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正因为如此,在我们了解与不了解的魔鬼之间,即使前者是阎罗王而后者不过是个小淘气鬼,我们也常常宁愿选择前者。That's why, often, we prefer the devil we know to the one we don't, even when the one that we don't is merely a minor imp while the one we do is the head of Hades.

除了阎罗王坐在大殿的后面外﹐他的旁边站立著四位官员﹐一位法官站在前面﹐八个卫士面向著他站立。Besides the grand ruler of the ghost world sitting in the back, there were four officials standing next to him, and a judge stood in the front with eight soldiers standing to face him.