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选用激光木样刀模。Adopt laser wood die cutter.

选用正规的用户名。Choose a professional username.

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那么,应该选用哪种方法呢?So which method should you use?

所以新鹅卵石的选用。So the select and use of peddles.

为什么要选用安佳淡奶油?Why Choose Anchor Whipping Cream?

可选用各种金属框。It apply to different metal frame.

请选用原厂滤清器!Please choose the original filter!

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无论如何,务必选用一种调试器。Whatever you do, use the debugger.

这里我选用一般的二号镀锌钉。I used a 2" galvanized common nail.

最佳的写作,必须有效选用字句、惜字如金。The best writing doesn't waste words.

您应该选用一个强点的密码。You should choose a stronger password.

竭诚欢迎您选用科达产品。We welcome your choice of Keda products.

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这里最好的白葡萄酒选用了伟德获葡萄。The best white wine is made from Verdejo.

啤酒花的选用既有俄罗斯的又有国外的。Hop is both of Russian and foreign origin.

选用杂菜取代豆腐亦是一道色香味全的素菜。Mixed Vegetable can be use instead of tofu.

你为什么选用纸质支票,而不用电汇。Why did you get a paper check and not wire?

可选用的弓形件夹设在耳廓的周围。An optional bow member clips about the pinna.

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选用不会产生误解和混乱的变量名。Choose variable names that won't be confused.

选用精、中矿和原、尾矿两个标准系列。Two series of standard samples were prepared.

选用HLS颜色模型来表示颜色特征。Color Parameters is denoted by HLS color mode.