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这誓言星空可鉴!This I swear by the stars!

我祈求星空褪尽色彩。I plead for the stars to fade.

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花点时间向星空许个愿吧。Take time to wish upon a star.

每当夜晚望著星空时。When looking at the stars at night.

数码梵高星空图,巴黎,法国。Digitally changed Van Gogh, Paris, France.

一起欣赏冬季壮丽的星空。Enjoy the spectacular winter sky together.

但是没有人会留意星空,“No one was paying any attention to the sky.

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于精神共舞并探索星空。Dance with your spirit and reach for the stars.

本人总爱瞭望那诱人的星空。I always love overlooking the attractive stars.

梦中我头顶星空云中漫步。I am walking on the clouds like me dreams more.

也可以参与其他盖亚星空的活动来获得星券。Other events are also available to get credits.

上航为何要退出星空联盟?Why is Shanghai Airlines leaving Star Alliance?

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上航何时退出星空联盟?When will Shanghai Airlines leave Star Alliance?

独立寒冬,朔风萧瑟,寂寞星空。Independentwinter, north wind blows, lonely Star.

凯恩·阿迪斯从小就觉得,穿越星空才是他的生活。Cane Adiss always knew that the stars would be his life.

怎么解释那些发向星空的无线电信号?What about the radio signals? The messages to the stars?

在虾米星空上跟星友们一起分享吧!那是另一种快乐!To share with us, that must be another kind of happiness.

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盖亚星空点券提供丰富的奖品给广大用户进行点券兑换!Gonline provides grand gifts for you to make this exchange!

夜晚,他望着浩茫的星空出神。He was lost in thought, staring at the boundless night sky.

今晚午夜十分的星空,大熊座也称北斗七星,映入我们眼帘。Tonight's chart shows the Big Dipper for around mid evening.