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他呀呀学语。He babbles.

婴儿呀呀学语。The infant babbles.

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我在鹅卵石上呀呀学语。I babble on the pebble.

哇呀呀,这里到了四月还飞雪啊。It can still snow in April.

诶呀呀,看来我们的外交努力失败了。Well, I’d say diplomacy has failed.

那幼儿在小床上呀呀自语,快活得很。The boy is prattling happily in his cot.

老人只是呀呀学语——不用管他。The old man is only babbling--don't pay attention.

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呀呀,哎,不过最可惜的是---又要浪费我的一只老母鸡给。Ah ah, ah, however regrettable BE-again want waste one of my old hen give make soup!

在南极洲的冰原上,一群呀呀学语的企鹅仔的声音虽显嘈杂却十分柔和。It's all downy softness and noise in a crowded creche of emperor penguins in Antarctica.

在南极洲的冰原上,一群呀呀学语的企鹅仔的声音虽显嘈杂却十分柔和。It's all downy softness and noise in a crowded crèche of emperor penguins in Antarctica.

他们认为从他们呀呀学语的那一刻开始就已经在学习中文了,所以不需要再花时间去学它。They think they learn it the moment they can speak, so there is no need to take time to learn it.

有两个小酒窝还在呀呀学语的两岁的可爱小家伙一发起火就能摧毁半个村子。Adorable two-year-olds with dimples and lisps that could destroy half a village in one of their tantrums.

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后,渐渐认出了一直抚养他的“母亲”,依依呀呀说着听不懂的话。Empress, gradually recognize have been sending up his "mama", adhering ah ah say to don't understand of words.

当我第一次呀呀学语,第一次在纸上歪歪扭扭写字的时候,我便开始与汉字接触。When I first babble learn language, the first to write on the paper crooked, I began to contact with Chinese characters.

当他逐渐长大,我看着他蹒跚地走来都去,依依呀呀地学会说第一个词,长成一个漂亮的小男孩,这种感觉还是没有改变。As he grew, and I watched him stagger about, squeak his first words, and turn into a beautiful little boy, that feeling did not change.

多少个九月,我曾缓步迈向呀呀絮语的学校,将一段人生靠近一个收获的金秋。The number of September, I have to make towards babble some highlights from the school, will be a period of life near a Harvest autumn.

研究人员发现,呀呀学步的孩子们在这个节目播放的时候玩耍的范畴和玩耍时间都要少于节目并未播放时。Researchers found that the toddlers had less focused play as well as less playtime altogether when the TV was on than when it was turned off.

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她们被我的嗓音迷住了,立即开始呀呀叫唤,拍着胖嘟嘟的手,口水长长地流出来,挂在下巴上。They were enchanted by the sound of my voice and began at once to coo and clap their chubby hands while long strings of drool ran down their chins.

从呀呀学语到接受家庭启蒙和幼儿、小学教育,她就一直在追求“做个好孩子,做个好学生”。From learning to speak till accepting initiation, preschool and primary school education, she has been pursuing to be a good child and a good student.

就连刚呀呀学语的小孩子也喜欢穿着稀奇古怪的服装挨家挨户敲门讨吃的。Even before they can pronounce the words clearly little children like to dress up in grotesque costumes and go around the neighborhood ringing door bells.