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星际宝贝大逃亡!Stitch's Great Escape!

我们生活的地球由星际尘埃聚集而成。We are here, made of stardust.

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想要找星际迷航的酒瓶眼镜吗?Go for the Star Trek wine glasses.

叶门亚丁湾星际之�…Gulf of Aden Stargate is Opening ?

你看过新的星际大战电影吗?。Have you seen the new Star Wars movie?

他想要成为星际争霸战里的寇克舰长。He wanted to be Captain Kirk in Star Trek.

这张来自"星际迷航"里很早的一集This is from a very old "Star Trek" Episode.

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为西斯征服者输血的就是“星际煅炉”。Fueling the Sith conquest was the Star Forge.

一个好的星际玩家不应拒绝练习他的技术。Does a good SCer refuse to practise his skill?

到地球去,俄罗斯方块,星际回归线,出拳。To the Earth, Tetris, Star Tropics, Punch Out.

这艘星际飞船后来坠毁在达索米尔星。The starship crashed onto the planet of Dathomir.

“你知不知道你为什么会在啊这里?”星际杀手问到。"You know why you're here?" Starkiller asked her.

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以及人族,一批在星际间游荡寻找资源的人类放逐者。and the Terran, a resourceful band of human exiles.

我想,要是牛子呆在星际动物园,他会死的。If Buff stays in the Star Zoo, I thought, he'll die.

显然要把星际玩到完美几乎是不可能的。It is simply impossible to play StarCraft perfectly.

人会被杀死,星际动物园会遭到毁灭。People will be killed. The Star Zoo will be destroyed.

围绕在这颗星星周围的是相对未受干扰的星际物质形成的一大团云状物。Around it are clouds of relatively undisturbed material.

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星际争霸较其他RTS游戏有着最好的宏机制。StarCraft has the best macro style of any RTS ever made.

因此必须使用第1级来实现星际间路由.This allows level 1 to be used for inter-galaxy routing.

为何他们要打击我们对星际旅行抱有的信心?Why don't they want us to believe in interstellar travel?