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大祸临头。Disaster strikes one's head.

灾祸临头。A great disaster is befalling.

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厄运临头时,才知幸运贵。Misfortunes tell what fortune is.

你大祸临头了。You are gonna be in a big trouble.

噢大祸临头了这下可有生路?Oh, calamity , is there no way out?

恶运临头后,方知幸运贵。Misfortunes tells us what fortune is.

他一直有祸事临头的预感。He had a presentiment of trouble coming.

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如果你再和她鬼混,你可要灾难临头了。You're heading for disaster if you go on with her.

“这对伊朗的电影业来说是大祸临头,”他说。"This is a catastrophe for Iran's cinema," he said.

“这对伊朗的电影业来说是大祸临头,”他说。"This is a catastrophe for Iran's cinema, " he said.

几星期来我一直有大祸临头的感觉。For weeks, I have had a feeling of impending disaster.

利率的增长对数百万人来说是大祸临头。A rise in interest rates would be disastrous for millions.

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书中主角告诫道,任何出现在排行榜上的人都将大祸临头。Anyone on the list, its protagonist warns, is "dead meat".

就我来说,七月二十日事件完全是大祸临头。For me, the july twentieth affair was in every way a calamity.

几星期来我一直有大祸临头的感觉。I have been exposed to the presentiment of catastrophe for weeks.

如果没有集体的觉醒,大祸即将临头。"Without collective awakening the catastrophe will come, " he warns.

船到江心补漏迟,事故临头后悔晚。But it's too late to mend the ship, the accident happen later regret.

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混小子,也不想想,他们就快要大祸临头了。Damn boys don't think about the wrath that's about to set down on them.

几星期来我一直有大祸临头的感觉。During the past the week, I almost always feeling having disaster strikes.

他们早已被死到临头的想法吓昏了。They were terrorized and discoloured by the thought of an approaching death.