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他醉心于物理学的研究。He's deeply engrossed in physical research.

杰克醉心于科研。Jack is enamoured with scientific researches.

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洛希尔醉心于保守理念带来的甜头儿。Rothschild is revelling in the fruits of its conservatism.

醉心写作已成为乾隆年间的事了。Being rapt in writing was something prehistorical for me till then.

他沉湎酒色.醉心财富,妒忌其主人的生活。Damocles loved wealth and pleasure and envied the life of his master.

如此醉心于水墨天地、如此执著于生命远游的张子健。Zhang Zijian so loves in ink wash world, and obsesses in life travel.

在柔和线条中,低头为你拂拭飘逸的衣衫,醉心于来去自如的惬意。I bow to wipe your soft ?flowing clothes, indulging in a cozy feeling.

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最近我的老战友及老朋友拿督韩春锦非常醉心予摄影。My old friend and old comrade Dato' Hon Choon Kim indulges in photography.

吉姆认为自己“醉心政治”,喜欢听之声访谈。Jim considers himself a 'political junkie' and loves listening to talk radio.

许多醉心水晶般的——明亮剔透没有一点瑕疵。Most of people are longing for the crystal-like love—pure without any defect.

在这里我可以看到许多醉心于艺术的人。你怎么看待他们呢?I can see many people who are engaged in art here. What do you think about them?

姜涛的水墨艺术醉心于东方化的水墨韵味,推崇意象化的表达。Jiang Tao ink art obsessed with oriental charm ink, respected imagery of expression.

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如果有什么区别的话,那就是近期美国对创业精神的醉心程度大大加深。If anything, America’s infatuation with entrepreneurialism has deepened further of late.

“我有着醉心学术的父母,”马尔科姆说,“事后想来,这也许是一个错误,他们用他们知识分子的方式爱我。"I had very academic parents," said Malcolm. "Was an afterthought, perhaps a mistake even.

提姆·提博明确地说,他想要的是一个不醉心于他声名的善良而可爱的女孩。Tim Tebow makes it very clear that he wants a kind and sweet girl who is not dazzled by his fame.

走遍草原的每个角落,醉心于家乡的兴安石,感恩于自然界可爱的动物们给我的创作激情。Visiting every place all over the grassland, I am deeply engrossed in Xing'an Stone in my hometown.

我醉心美丽的风景、迷人的文化、使人无法忘怀而纯真温暖的微笑。I enjoyed stunning landscapes, amazing cultures, and the unforgettable warmth from the purest smiles.

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国人醉心欧化蔑视国画,直视吾国如无画者久矣!Europeanization of contempt for people obsessed with painting, look no artists such as My Country To live!

至于大老婆,她则是我们的灵魂。当我们醉心于物质,金钱和其他感官享受时,她常常会被忽略一旁。The 1st wife is in fact our soul , often neglected in our pursuit of material , wealth and sensual pleasure.

我总是醉心于科学知识的构造,因为看上去它们是那样的块垒分明、厚薄不匀。I have always been interested in the texture of scientific knowledge because it appears to be lumpy and uneven.