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在街道上留影一张。Take one in the street.

1907年的哈雷.戴维森公司员工留影。The Harley-Davidson staff in 1907.

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各位嘉宾不妨在此留影纪念。You may take photos here for memory.

一定要在台阶上留影一张。Be sure i should take one on the steps.

1992年2月,我在北京动物园狮虎山前留影。I was in Beijing Zoo in Beijing in Febrary, 1992.

豚豚在纽约联合国大楼前面留影。Calvin in front of the United Nations Building. NYC.

以下就是那几天当中的一些留影。The following are some of the photos during the trip.

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毫无疑问,日内瓦为人留影最多的一个景点是花钟。Geneva's most photographed sites is undoubtedly the flower clock.

1983年,小妹和我在焦作市人民公园留影。My little sister and I were in Renmin Park in Jiaozuo City in 1983.

毫无疑问,日内瓦为人留影最多的一个景点是花钟。One of Geneva's most photographed sites is undoubtedly the flower clock.

我们在公园入口处的鲸鱼喷泉前留影。We took photos in front of the whale fountain at the entrance to the park.

相亲相爱的留影让人无限回忆,美好了幸福。Dear to each other in the USA, let a person infinite memories, good happiness.

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图为团员青年们经过5个多小时的徙步登山到达山顶后留影。League members taking photos on the top of the mountain after 5 hours climbing.

在伦敦温斯和辅泰晤士河畔留影,一乐也。It was pleasant to take a photo by the side of the Thames in Wandsworth, London.

1983年冬天,小妹和我在焦作市人民公园留影。My little sister and I were in Renmin Park in Jiaozuo City in the winter of 1983.

在阿根廷出生的鲁道夫‧巴斯克斯上周五在披头四博物馆内留影。Argentine Rodolfo Vazquez poses at the Beatles museum in this photo taken on Friday.

而野马就是西部残留影象,犹如鬼魅,几乎不见踪影。Mustangs are an after image of the west, no better than ghosts, hardly there at all.

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唉!有水了同志们很开心,相互留影纪念。Alas! Water of the comrades were very happy with each other pictures of commemoration.

我们拍了几张留影,然后就踏上征服这座小山的旅程。Following that we posed for some photo's and then set of to conquer the little mountain.

1983年,爸爸、妈妈、小妹和我在焦作市人民公园留影。My father, my mother, my little sister and I were in Renmin Park in Jiaozuo City in 1983.