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而这些仅是白尼罗河一岸的景况。And that is just on one side of the White Nile.

她是一位景况十分优裕的妇女。She is a lady in very comfortable circumstances.

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也许你正处在一个毫无胜算的景况当中。Perhaps you’re in a ‘no win situation’ right now.

宝玉见了这般景况,心中忽觉浇了一盆冷水一般,……Baoyu felt as if doused by a bucket of cold water.

你是否处于无法自给自足的景况?Are you in a position where all self-sufficiency is gone?

那人末后的景况,比先前更不好了。And the final condition of that man is worse than the first.

神以属灵果子反面的景况来让我们作出选择。God uses the opposite situation of each fruit to allow us a choice.

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然而这么一种简单化的“信用为魔鬼”的观点掩盖了一种更为微妙的景况。Yet a simplistic credit-as-bogey outlook masks a more nuanced picture.

惟愿我的景况如从前的月份,如神保守我的日子。How I long for the months gone by, for the days when God watched over me.

想象一下上述所有景况,你就会明白洛杉矶之战是何等事件了。Imagine all of that and you have an idea of what was the Battle of Los Angeles.

快乐凭藉外在的景况,喜乐则源自与神的相交。Happiness depends on external circumstances, but joy is based on your relationship to God.

坚定忠信于神的人不向诱人或妥协的景况低头。A person firmly committed to faith in God does not bow to tempting or compromising situations.

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对于微软而言,苹果犹如芒刺在背,但十年前的景况却大不相同.Apple is now visible in Microsoft's rearview mirror, but a decade ago the picture was far different.

卡迪斯位于西班牙南部,紧靠直布罗陀海峡。乐师们演唱的歌曲足以说明当地的景况。The song explains a lot about the situation here in Cadiz, in southern Spain just north of Gibraltar.

很多人有时会遗忘账单上已附上小费的费用,于是会爆发重复付小费的景况。Sometimes large parties are unaware that a gratuity has been added to the bill, so they tip on top of it.

今天,博阿维斯塔镇是个「迷失之人和绝望冒险家之城,人人穷途末路,景况比以前更糟。」Today Boa Vista is a "town of lost souls and frustrated adventurers too poor to return to their bleak beginnings."

经济景况不佳,和抵押贷款及商业不动产贷款坏帐的减计,是拖累多数银行业绩的主因.A bad economy and writeoffs to cover bad mortgage and commercial real estate loans were a drag on most of the banks.

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车辆准备不敷会导致与会者排长队守候、错过某个分会、运动迟到等景况产生,引起与会者的不悦。Inadequate service will irritate attendees by resulting in long lines, missed sessions, and late arrivals at events.

职位描写是一张清单,列出悉数你以为能用来切确界定一个职位该有的任务、责任及事景况况。A job description is a list of all the duties, responsibilities, and work conditions that you think accurately define a position.

来自巴西的年轻人谈到了米兰的景况,从冠军杯出局到获得联赛冠军的可能。The young Brazilian talent speaks about Milan's moment, from the knock-out of the Champions League to the chance to win the title.