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昨日原油冲高回落,带动美豆止跌反弹。Chonggao crude oil fell yesterday, the US-led rebound stabilized.

上周五工作室现场介入的陕天然气今天在冲高时锁定利润。Studio last Friday to intervene at the scene of Shaanxi gas lock in profits when.

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盘中台积电股价急拉大涨,一度冲高到60元涨停。TSMC share prices skyrocketed to reach the ceiling price of 60 NT in mid-session.

美股在周三冲高后回落,丢失了部分涨幅,而黄金和石油价格双双上涨。The markets gave back some of their gains today, as both gold and oil saw spike in price.

风险自冲高,所以它始终是最好的访问专业穿孔。The risks of self-piercing are high so it is always best to visit a professional piercer.

但我不认为股市将继续冲高”Clark资本管理公司的哈里.克拉克说。But I suspect now we'll continue to trend higher, " said Harry Clark with Clark Capital Management.

衡量市场波动性的CBOE波动性指数一跃冲高至一年最高水准.A popular measure of market turbulence, the CBOE volatility index .VIX, rocketed to its highest level in a year.

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哈弗大学研究表明,压力可以使血压冲高并引起血液凝固。According to a study at Harvard University, stress can ratchet up blood pressure and turn up the risk of clotting.

周日美国政府宣布上述计划后,周一全球股市上涨,美元冲高.Sunday's U.S. government announcement also caused stocks to rise around the world and the U.S. dollar to surge on Monday.

麻烦在于,随着三亚房价冲高至每平米25942元人民币,没有多少当地人能买得起海南的房子。The trouble is that few locals can afford to buy in Hainan as values have risen to as high as Rmb25,942 per sq m in Sanya.

例如,当煤价最近冲高时,那些国家能源巨头却不允许把这种上涨传导给消费者。For example, when coal prices shot up recently, the country’s energy giants were not allowed to pass the hikes on to consumers.

周四,由于投资者越来越担心欧洲领导人的会谈将无法达成救援计划,大盘在早盘冲高后回落。Stocks pulled back from morning highs on Thursday as concern grew that meetings between European leaders would not result in a rescue program.

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熊市深度期的一个显著特点就是会出现突然上涨,因此,可能会有机会利用冲高机会调整投资组合。Vicious bear markets are noted for their sudden spikes, so there will be opportunity to take advantage of a move higher by culling your portfolio.

随着股市继续冲高,我的亏损进入两位数区域,这简直就是2000年的历史重演,而我对当时的情景依然记忆犹新。As the markets ripped higher, my losses delved into double-digit territory. It was the mirror image of the 2000 scrimmage and that fact wasn't lost on me.

当商品价格冲高,一般的政策看法是把通胀的升高看作是将会把相关商品价格的调整一步到位。When commodity prices shoot higher, the standard policy response is to treat the resulting rise in inflation as a once-and-for-all shift in relative prices.

Nolte称,标准普尔500指数现阶段在880点至950点区间波动.该指数在3月9日触及12年收盘低点后冲高,但过去几个月其涨势停滞.6月该指数几近持平.After surging from a 12-year closing low on March 9, the S&P 500's rally has stalled over the last couple of months. For June, the benchmark index was little changed.

受华尔街星期一暴跌冲击,亚洲股市开市后应声狂泻,但在盘尾时又反弹冲高。Despite early declines that were seen as reactions to Monday's Wall Street sell off, Asian stocks managed to recover some of their huge losses by the time the exchanges closed.

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针对2010年标普500指数走势,他预计,"新一年走势将像云霄飞车一般,上半年会冲高至1,300点,随后逐渐失去动能,到年底将回到年初时的1,115.10点.""In a roller coaster year the S&P 500 rallies to 1,300 in the first half and then runs out of steam and declines to 1,000, ending where it started at 1,115.10," Wien said for 2010.

专家们接长不短地提醒投资者要警惕股市泡沫。而股指在短暂回调后继续冲高,刷新纪录,再次引发新狂潮。When experts periodically warned about the possibility of a bubble, prices would dip temporarily then soar even higher, breaking records and inciting another mad dash to snap up equities.

零售市场方面,沈阳的金饰品价格虽然没有大起大落的表现,但在国际金价冲高与节日促销的夹击之下,也偷偷地玩起了“拉锯战”。In local jewelry market, retailers are quietly launching a seesaw battle as China National Day is coming in dozens days and the gold price remains at high level although there's no big up and down.