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把沿帽涂成粉色。Colour the cap pink.

我喜欢粉色的玫瑰。I like roseate roses.

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在粉色的鸭绒被上。On a pink quilted eiderdown.

其实就是件粉色的格子裙。In fact is a pink plaid skirt.

我喜欢淡兰色和粉色。I like cambridge blue and pink.

有粉色到紫色花的矮树。This bush flowers in the autumn.

我喜欢粉色的指甲油。I like the pink-colored nail polish.

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我的奶奶,她拥有这个粉色宫殿。My gramma, she owns the Pink Palace.

我喜欢柔和的粉色,不喜欢鲜艳的大红色。I like soft pink rather than harsh red.

粉色是红色和白色的混合色。Pink is a combination of red and white.

这株粉色番红花只开了一天。The pink crocus bloomed for only a day.

图卢兹,粉色之城,是你一定不能错过的。Toulouse, the pink city, is a must see.

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当你活着的时候,你的大脑是粉色的。When you are alive, your brain is pink.

我因穿了件粉色衬衫而被奚落。I was guyed at for wearing a pink shirt.

穿着粉色裙子的女孩是安的妹妹。The girl in a pink dress is Anns sister.

然后,她在头上戴了两朵粉色的花。And she set two pink flowers on her head.

她脖子上围着一条粉色长羽毛围巾。She wore a large pink boa around her neck.

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睡不醒鲨鱼没能游过粉色的三角形。Sleepy can't swim through a pink triangle.

有些花在退色时候还带着淡淡的粉色。Some flowers faded with a ligh pink color.

那座粉色的楼房与周围的景色很交融。The pink building weds with the landscape.