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陵园内还辟有四平英烈事迹展览馆。There is still the exhibition hall of Siping heroic deed in the cemetery.

在据点城里访问了英烈祠的英雄将变成更好的武士。Heroes visiting the Hall of Valhalla in a Stronghold become better warriors.

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无数英烈和著名的将军们,为辽沈战役的胜利,献出了宝贵的生命。Countless heroes and famous generals, for the Liaohsi-Shenyang campaign victory, gave precious life.

在阿灵顿国家公墓,奥巴马把手放在胸口,为美国战争中牺牲的英烈们默哀。At Arlington National Military Cemetery, Barack Obama placed his hand over his heart, in silent tribute to America's war dead.

我们永远也不能唤回失去的生命,或是那些在此后战争中英勇捐躯的英烈。We can never get back the lives that were lost on that day or the Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice in the wars that followed.

101位联合国英烈的人格魅力和崇高精神打动了世界,影响了我们的生活。我们深深感激他们。Gratitude fills this chamber, profound thanks that our world and our lives were touched by the grace and nobility of these 101 UN heroes.

王克庆长于表现伟人、名人、英烈,其中,相当多的题材取自文学巨匠。Wang Keqing is good at expressing great and famous persons as well as heroes, and many subject matters are taken from great masters of literature.

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英烈业绩厅则介绍了在平津战役中英勇捐躯的烈士们的姓名和事迹。Heroes are on the performance of the Office of the Beiping-Tianjin Battle of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives heroically in their names and deeds.

菅内阁无人参拜正是因顾及到中国等亚洲邻国的感情,但却“违背了英烈们的遗志”。Kan cabinet is due to take into account that no one visit to the feelings of China and other Asian neighbors, but "contrary to the martyrs who's behest."

他们同时表示将会在下周重返解放广场,为那些参与18日革命,旨在推翻穆巴拉克政府而死去的英烈们进行悼念。They vowed to return to Tahrir Square next week to honor those who died in the 18-day uprising that toppledHosni Mubarak after nearly 30 years of authoritarian rule.

人民英烈厅内的烈士英名录记载了1089名英烈的姓名,同时馆内还展出千余幅书法界名人手迹。The people's Heroes Hall of the martyrs of the British list record 1089 heroic name, at the same time the museum also exhibits more than 1000 calligraphy celebrities.

常绿到牢房将匕首交还剑锋,剑锋明白剑星没有忘记自己的身份,常绿称剑星是英烈之士,而族谱已跟他长埋黄土。Evergreen to cell to return knife blade, blade is understand sword star did not forget their identity, evergreen said sword star are heroes, and the genealogy has with his long buried loess.

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“四保临江”纪念馆位于猫耳山脚下,凝聚着革命英烈碧血丹心铸就的民族之魂,浓缩了临江老区人民踊跃支前,拥军优属,参军参战的光荣历程。The hall is located at the foot of Cat Ear Mountain, condensing the national soul of red blood and heart, concentrating glorious course of Linjiang old area's people 's fighting against the enemy.