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而有些男人则很迟才出轨。Some men stray late.

我的出轨不过是种报复。My affair was retaliatory.

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转辙器打开会使火车出轨。An open switch will derail a train.


泰国火车出轨,8人死亡。Thai train derails, killing 8 people.

他背着你跟一个年轻的女模特出轨了。He cheated you in for a younger model.

现在的问题是,父母逼的太紧反而会让孩子出轨。The problem is, too much can derail it.

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二个人的圣诞夜,会出轨!Two people, Christmas Eve, will derail!

而且它拿小异常出轨的行为把它带回来。And it took that little escapade to bring it back.

火车出轨翻入了山谷。The train went off the rails and fell into the valley.

它促使最新一轮世界贸易谈判出轨。It helped derail the latest round of world trade talks.

委托人李红妍进入丈夫出轨现场房间的瞬间。The principal Li Gongyan to enter the room her husband.

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那么,谁想在出轨的高速火车里?Sooo, who wants to die in a high-speed train derailment?

我想他一定看出来我胸口上的那个猩红色的出轨烙印了。I was sure he could see the scarlet " A " burned to my chest.

你认为钱是伍兹做出那些被指证的出轨行为的主要原因吗?Do you think wealth was the main reason for Tiger's alleged behavior?

就算是凤姐这般精明女子,也有丈夫出轨之烦恼。Even Xifeng so smart woman, but also derailed her husband's troubles.

该研究揭示出两个能够回答为何有权者更易出轨的关键发现。Thee study revealed two key discoveries to why powerful people cheat.

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我不认为出轨必然是他的快乐理由之一,但是可能是。I wouldn’t necessarily go to his cheating as the first reason but it could be.

在大多数男人的生活中,出轨抑或守望最终都会有个了结。In the life of most men, there is a final battle between straying and staying.

今天的火车混乱不堪,因为前面有一列火车出轨了。The trains are all to pot today because of a derailment farther down the line.