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当地的媒体闻讯公司的做法,进行了连篇累牍的报道。Local press got wind of the company and made a lot of noise about it.

乐连篇累牍地陈述了目前中国面临的发展问题和挑战。Le provided a long litany of development problems and challenges facing China.

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连篇累牍的关于绑架和随机杀人的报道已经让人们的思想都麻木了。Kidnappings and random killings are reported with almost mind-numbing frequency.

“领导力”是一个宏大、模糊而虚无的话题,我们可以为优秀的领导者写出连篇累牍的传记。Leadership is a big, vague, amorphous topic. We can write about great leaders at great length.

判令里连篇累牍咬文嚼字地讨论乞讨是言论还是行为。The legal pavane included pages of discussion of whether begging is speech, or begging is behavior.

媒体上每天都连篇累牍地报道移民,特别是穆斯林移民与德国人之间的冲突。The media is filled daily with reports of conflict between immigrants, especially Muslims, and Germans.

国际大联合被连篇累牍地视作仅仅空洞的口号,它必须被赋予实质性的具体内容。Too often international solidarity is seen as only a hollow slogan, it must be given concrete substance.

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应当限定审批的次数,同时精简那些纠缠公司数十年的连篇累牍的表格。Limit the number of approvals, and streamline those multipage forms that have haunted the company for decades.

而如果事情发生在伊朗,他们会花几个月连篇累牍的报道,在电视上、电台上、报纸上。If something happen in Iran, they write about it for many months and talk about on television, radio, newspapers.

那些连篇累牍的文章读起来很让人头痛,但这本杂志里从头到尾都有非常有趣的漫画,不失为一个补偿。The long articles are a challenge, but reward is found in the very funny cartoons printed throughout the magazine.

有一等读书不止、连篇累牍者,吾不称其为善读之人。I know people who read interminably, book after book, from page to page, and yet I should not call them 'well-read people'.

媒体接连数日对此进行了连篇累牍的报道,纷纷猜测雌性荷尔蒙是否会导致希拉里就此败北。The media made a meal of it for days, speculating about whether Clinton was about to crack up or get carried away by her hormones.

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结果就有了连篇累牍的背景介绍,每封信后面的小字注释往往比信本身还长。There are reams of context here, to the extent that the small type following each letter often runs longer than the letter itself.

连篇累牍的广告劝我们买希腊配方的洗发水和玉兰油,这样的话,白发无处可寻,面部的皱纹也能被抚平。Advertisements convince us to buy Grecian Formula and Oil of Olay so we can hide the gray in our hair and smooth the lines on our face.

强调这一点是有意义的,因为对这一问题,胡言乱语已经是连篇累牍了。下面这段话引自克里夫·克鲁克的阴谋理论。It's worth emphasizing this point, because there's been a lot of nonsense written about the issue. Take this conspiracy theorizing from Clive Crook.

与特别法庭调查有关的事宜引起的连篇累牍的评论已经、而且我相信它们将会继续在我们国家的一个重要时刻主导我们的政治议程。The constant barrage of commentary of tribunal related matters has, and I believe will continue to dominate the political agenda at an important point for our country.

尽管对经济转轨和宪政改革的单独研究连篇累牍,但将经济转轨与宪政改革相结合的研究论著较少。Although there are many theses which are about the economic transition and the constitutional reform, these papers that can combine with the two sections are much less.

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长期以来,澳大利亚的历史学家、文学家常常连篇累牍地讨论该国的文化传统和文学传统,虽然定义颇多,往往莫衷一是,但是都包含着文化遗产中的社会态度。For a long time historians and literary men have argued on the Australian cultural and literary traditions which contain the social attitudes in the cultural inheritance.

同样,很多美国人看到媒体连篇累牍的关于获大奖及获奖学金的亚洲青年形象的报道,就相信所有的中国学生都是很聪明、刻苦的业绩佼佼者。Similarly, many Americans, bombarded by media images of young Asians winning awards and scholarships, believe all Chinese students are smart, hard-working over-achievers.

就是在家里,也经常半夜从米列娃身边溜走,到厨房连篇累牍地演算公式,第二天拿到办公室给贝索看。Even at home, he sneaks away from Mileva in the middle of the night and goes to the kitchen to calculate long pages of equations, which he shows Besso the next day at the office.