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我们是金贵的,也是慵懒的。We are precious and lazy.

他喜欢戴着慵懒感觉的帽子来体现他的风格。He likes to wear slouchy hat for style.

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一些看不见的手指,如慵懒的微风。Sone unseen fingers, like an idle breeze.

售票员慵懒地拖着脚走向下一节车厢。The conductor shambled to the next carriage.

死气沉沉,慵懒和沉默已经不行了。Lethargy, laziness, and inactivity is not okay.

始终无法找到以前的那份清新与慵懒的味道。Could not find the previous the freshness and lazy.

但我那慵懒的小影子,活活像一大懒虫But my lazy little shadow, like an arrant sleepyhead

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那是在加州拉古纳海滩一个慵懒的下午。Its a lazy afternoon at the California Laguna Beach.

三月的微风,缱绻慵懒,飘逸轻灵。March breeze, tempting lazy, elegant light and agile.

鼓手在打鼓,吉他手慵懒地弹着,歌手还在唱着歌,画家继续画着。The guitarist keeps strumming. The singer keeps singing.

晚间时分,我慵懒地在马公市的街头散步。In the evening, I lazily walked on the streets of Magung City.

犹如搂抱着海滩的慵懒海洋,抱紧我,使我摇得更强劲。Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore, Hold me close, sway me more.

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镀铬的凳子和吧台,慵懒的灯光。Stools and counters are lined with chrome, the lighting is viscid.

如果我们过多地使用电子词典,我们会变得慵懒。If we use the electronic dictionary too much, we would become lazy.

慵懒的午后,一男子走进一家小茶屋。One afternoon, a man came to a little tea house with measured steps.

她迷恋那只慵懒的猫,她敬畏那再牢房内的伯爵。She has a crush on the lazy cat, she feared that further cell count.

我倦了,慵懒地卧于床榻,幻想着全部工作都已终结。I was tired and sleeping on my idle bed imagined all work had ceased.

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有时一只海豹慵懒地游过这城市水景。Sometimes a seal swims lazily past through the urban water landscape.

一位身穿比基尼泳装、皮肤晒成古铜色的金发女郎在清澈的泳池里慵懒地游着泳。A tanned blonde in a bikini swims languidly in the clear swimming pool.

我们早就约定了,嘦以最慵懒的姿势,恍惚哋面对这个世界。As we agreed, to face the globe drowsily in our maximum weak positions.