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连绵不断的雨会使稻谷腐烂。The continual rain will rot the rice.

这种媒质连绵不断地从一个星体扩展到另一个星体。The medium extends unbroken from star to star.

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雨已经连绵不断地下了五天了。It's been raining steady for the past five days.

连绵不断的小雨,勾起我对你的思念。The continuous rain , recall my missing for you.

连绵不断的绿色的山丘,郁郁葱葱的农田,广阔的空间。Rolling green hills, lush farmland, vast open space.

在假期,我们能看到高速公路上连绵不断的车流。On holidays, we can see a continuous line of cars on highways.

空荡荡地没有一草一木,空旷旷地不见一山半谷,眼前只是一片连绵不断广袤无边的白色。Not a shrub or tree, not a hill or valley, just an endless expanse of white.

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生活的大部分时间总是匆忙而过,快乐的事情决不会总是出现或连绵不断。Pleasures never can be so multiplied or continued , ad not to leave much of life unemployed.

不一会儿告状声连绵不断,谁在推人,谁还没脱衣服\谁又在讲话了。After a while he sound without stop, who is pushing people, who haven't undress \ who in speech.

魏晋十六国北朝疫病流行呈现出连绵不断的趋势。The epidemic disease in the Wei, Jin, Sixteen States and Northern Dynasties spread continuously.

连绵不断的雨水,山洪爆发了,每一个峡谷好似水槽似的淌满了水。In this steady rain, the spring of the mountain were broken up, every glen gushed water like a cistern.

驼梁茂密的原始森林和连绵不断瀑布构成了景区最具特色的景观。Tuoliang dense virgin forest and continuous falls constitute the most scenic features of the landscape.

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通过与别人交流的每一个曝光,你发出连绵不断的你更喜欢什么的渴望之火箭。Through each exposure to interacting with others, you launch continuous rockets of desires of what you prefer.

甚至在发行以前,围绕着“惊爆新闻”和其他所谓的“卡斯西欧歌曲”的争议就连绵不断。Even before its release, however, controversy surrounded "Breaking News" and the other so-called "Cascio tracks.

一个连绵不断的句子,其无休无止的词汇的堆积就如同清洗池内高高堆积的不堪入目的脏盘子。A run-on sentence, its phrases piling up without division, is as unsightly as a sink piled high with dirty dishes.

但他们同样也警告过河流会咆哮发狂,淹没河岸,结果酿成极端的大洪水和连绵不断的小雨。But they have likewise warned about raging rivers going over their banks and the effects of extreme deluge or continuous drizzle.

因而,我们为拥有如此科技奇迹和经济富裕的世界却遭受着连绵不断的灾难所感到的义愤确实是胜过以前的。And, rightly so, we're more outraged than ever that suffering continues in a world of such technological wonder and economic plenty.

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鞭炮声在春节期间连绵不断,在傍晚还有许多人放烟花。Long strings of firecrackers are set off throughout the holiday, and there are many displays of fireworks lighting up the evening skies.

连绵不断的铁路,把数百万汉人运进去,加强了北京政府在内蒙和遥远西部新疆穆斯林地区的控制。Rail links ferried in millions of Chinese to firm up Beijing's control in Inner Mongolia and the Muslim Xinjiang region in the far west.

岛上有连绵不断地山体,白色沙滩和由离岸珊瑚礁确立的著名蓝色泻湖。The island has a mountainous, nearly impenetrable interior, white-sand beaches, and famous blue lagoon defined by an offshore coral reef.