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她把粘糊糊的平底锅内壁擦干净了。She scraped out the sticky saucepan.

斯洛特喝了一匙粘糊糊的苏格兰肉汤。Slote took a spoonful of gummy Scotch broth.

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只一会就把这个粘糊糊的锅擦干净了。Once in a while the sticky sauce pan is thoroughly scraped out.

他用手抹抹前额,额上满是湿漉漉粘糊糊的汗珠。He passed his hand across his forehead. It was dank with clammy sweat.

他用手抹抹前额,额上满是湿漉漉粘糊糊的汗珠。He passed his hand across his forehead. it was dank with clammy sweat.

我感觉还不错,只是炎热似乎使我挥汗如雨,全身都粘糊糊的。I felt pretty good but the sweat seemed to be pouring off me from the heat.

南瓜真硬,里边的瓜瓤粘糊糊的,清理完一个南瓜后我的手感觉累了。The pumpkin was hard and the inside was sticky, so my hand felt tired after that.

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在潮湿的切菜板上有几块血渍,边上沾着粘糊糊红色的风干的面粉。On the wet chopping board, a few bloody shreds, seasoned flour with a red sticky edge.

神经学家过去认为这些粘糊糊的胶质只是用来把神经元黏合在一起。Neuroscientists used to think glia were simply the sticky stuff that holds neurons together.

因此如果真正的解剖太粘糊糊的话,那么是时候该试试一些蛤蟆科技了。So for cases in which a real dissection would be too slimy , it's time to try some toad tech.

它很快就吸收了,而且一点都不会粘糊糊的。它有一股柠檬的味道我很喜欢。It soaks in quickly so I don't feel greasy, and it has a subtle lemony smell that I just love.

在营火上烤“斯莫莱”很不错,这是一种由蜜饯,巧克力和饼干混合而成的东西,粘糊糊的但是很好吃。Perfect for toasting "smores", a sticky but heartening mix of marshmallow, chocolate and biscuits.

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以理解的角度来说,这种巨大的,粘糊糊的,单细胞生命体是拥有惊人智力的野兽。In an understated way, this large, gloopy, single-celled organism is a beast of surprising intelligence.

刚开始可能感觉粘糊糊的,但是当空气渐渐打入香蕉糊的时候它就变成了奶油状的甜点了。At first they'll just look slimy, but then air works its magic and they morph into a creamy, light treat.

但这种面料易受天气变化的影响,天冷变得硬梆梆,而天热就粘糊糊。The fabric was vulnerable to changes in the weather, becoming stiffer in the cold and stickier in the heat.

用传统的意大利软芝士代替粘糊糊的西红柿酱汁,一定要用非传统的鲜奶油。The tomato glop was replaced by a mixture of traditional mozzarella and decidedly non-traditional crème fraîche.

大一些的会挣破渔网,一同捞上来的鱼则会变得粘糊糊、并无法食用。The larger specimens would destroy the nets while the fish caught alongside them would be left slimy and inedible.

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质地爽脆的蔬菜出来后就像在凡士林中炖过的发网一样粘糊糊,滑溜溜,筋拉拉的。Vegetables with crisp and cracking texture emerge as mush , slippery and stringy as hair nets simmered in Vaseline.

质地爽脆的蔬菜出来后就像在凡士林中嫩过的发网一样粘糊糊的筋筋拉拉的。Vegetables with crisp and crackling texture emerge as mush , slippery and stringy as hair nets simmered in Vaseline.

原来的剧本称博斯克为“粘糊糊的触手怪,松软下垂的脸上有一双布满血丝的大眼睛。”The original script called for Bossk to be a "slimy, tentacled monster with two huge, bloodshot eyes in a soft baggy face."