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我丢掉了一支笔。I've lost my pen.

我们丢掉了锐气。We lost our edge.

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她怎么丢掉一条腿的?How did she lose it?

一旦怀疑,就把它丢掉。When in doubt, throw it out!

然后我丢掉了所有这些。And then I dropped all of that.

所有的回忆也一起丢掉吗?What about all of the memories?

我要问,人怎么会把心丢掉呢?Now how xan anyone lose a heart?

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我是在这一带地方把它丢掉的。I droped it somewhere about here.

大部分的战俘在数周内丢掉性命.Most of the POWs died within weeks.

今天可能有人会丢掉性命。People might lose their life today.

那就是你必须丢掉你的盾逃跑You got to drop your shield and run.

她总是担心丢掉她的工作。She always cares about losing her job.

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我们必须丢掉旧思想。We must do away with the old thinking.

但是没理由搞到连命都丢掉。But that's no reason to lose our heads.

我会越来越老成,却不会丢掉最初的天真。I'll get old, but not lose first naive.

有些烦恼,丢掉了,才有云淡风轻的机会。Some troubles, lost, have a clear chance.

丢掉那些雨布,去拿你的围嘴来!Lose those ponchos , go and get your bibs!

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你知道一句老话,使用它或者丢掉它。You know the old saying, use it or lose it.

但是,魅力稍逊的男人们也不应该丢掉希望。But less-attractive men shouldn’t lose hope.

放宽心的丢掉这些东西吧。Feel comfortable getting rid of these things.