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我减到了123磅她神采奕奕的说。I dropped to 123 pounds, she beams.

眼皮消肿啦,眼睛重又神采奕奕啦!Eyelid detumescence, the eye is heavy alight!

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好啦!眼皮消肿啦,眼睛重又神采奕奕啦!Good! Eyelid detumescence , the eye is heavy alight!

但第一次婚姻结束后,就剪成神采奕奕的短发。After her first marriage ended, she had her hair cut.

神圣的灵感使嘉莉变得神采奕奕。Carrie was now lightened by a touch of this divine afflatus.

在宣传照中,65岁的福特依然显得神采奕奕。In promotional photos, the 65-year-old Ford appears fit as ever.

它们相对朝着一个光圈形,昂首扬尾,神采奕奕。Towards a relative aperture of their shape, head Jan tail, eyes.

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她知道自己对胜利有所贡献而显得神采奕奕。She is exuberating in the knowledge of having contributed to victory.

也少不了一名高级兽医随侍左右,让你宠爱的海盗鹦鹉时刻神采奕奕。advanced veterinary practice kept your pirate parrots in fine fettle.

的比赛,然而,事实证明神采奕奕电力工程,纽金特说。The contest, however, demonstrates that beaming power works, Nugent said.

孩子们参观完水馆,回来时神采奕奕。After visiting the aquarium the children returned glowing with excitement.

它优闲,但它努力,因此优闲得神采奕奕。It is idle but diligent, thus wearing an air of both elegance and leisure.

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他一边吃着,一边写信,面带微笑,神采奕奕。While eating, he was writing a letter, and a half- smile lighted his face.

没错,她圆滚滚的,有点儿胖胖的,但她是我见过的狗狗里最神采奕奕的。True, she was a little chubby, but she was the spunkiest dog I’d ever seen.

我恰好拍到一些神采奕奕的人们的照片,他们的情绪。I just capture the images that speak of vivacity of the people, their moods.

她是一个和蔼的老人,满头银发,面带微笑,神采奕奕。She was a sweet, silverhaired old-timer with a warm smile and a twinkle in her eyes.

接见我的是一位高挑轻盈,满头银发的女人,她虽然年逾古稀,但神采奕奕,风韵犹存。I was received by a tall, lithe, vibrant woman in her 70's, white-haired, and still beautiful.

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两颊上的红色使使老太太看起来神采奕奕,她兴奋得就像一个孩子,等着享受这美好的生日。Two spots of colour brightened her cheeks. She was excited-like a child. She would enjoy her day.

法国总统希拉克在长时间的起立鼓掌声中神采奕奕地步入了大厅。To a standing ovation, French President Jacques Chirac stepped into the Great hall in high spirits.

特别是妇女们,个个神采奕奕,有的还穿着长靴参加到军乐队中进行演奏……The women in particular become so vigorous that some even join the military band with long boots on.