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他工作是顶呱呱的。He was good at his job.

嘿!那是一部顶呱呱的车。Hey, that's a funky car.

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她打字水平真是顶呱呱。Her typing is on the ball.

我认为她是一个顶呱呱的歌手。I think she's one terrific singer.

这里一切都“顶呱呱”。Everything is just hunky-dory here.

在毕业生中她是顶呱呱的一个。She is second to none among all the graduates.

在钵毕业生中她是顶呱呱的一个。She eis second to none among all the graduates.

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如果他们说顶呱呱,我会更想买。If they give a thumbs up, I am more willing to buy.

人人都承认这人的头脑顶呱呱。Everyone agreed that the man had a master intellect.

麦当劳卖的汉堡包是一顶呱呱的美国快餐。Mc Donald's sell hamburgers-that great American fast food.

吐鲁番的葡萄,哈密的瓜,伊犁的苹果顶呱呱。The Turpan grapes, Hami melons and Ili apples are all the best.

浸过蒸过后,臭短袜气味顶呱呱。After soaking and steaming, the stinky socks should smell super.

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他骑的是一匹顶呱呱的黑马,鞍鞯绣得很华丽。He had a splendid black horse with a richly embroidered saddle-cloth.

这些贴皮贴肉顶呱呱的全息影像紧身衣看起来是真的很拉风还是很抽风呢?Does the skin-tight-with-flesh-grooves all-CGI outfit look cool or silly?

而且我们夜总会有一个特约的叫“顶呱呱”的6人摇滚乐队现场表演。We also have a live floor show featuring the 6 piece rock band the Toppers.

这个顶呱呱的一团,我要完全用军官来组织一个兵也不要。I would form this crack regiment out of officers alone not a single private.

目前我手头上有那么两三幅。其实,还有一幅顶呱呱的裸体画呢。I've got two or three things in hand just now. There's a rather splendid nude, actually.

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这些青年工人为提高产品质量,提出了顶呱呱的新建议。The young workers brought forth some sparkling new suggestions for improving our product.

核-心火热的投篮手感相对是顶呱呱,但是让我更镇静的是这是一种很分明的征兆。The hot outside shooting is fantabulous, but I'm even more excited by the clarity exhibited.

“哪里!”孩子说。“好渔夫很多,还有些很了不起的。不过顶呱呱的只有你。”Que va, " the boy said. "There are many good fishermen and some great ones. But there is only you.