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他是一个十足的木头人。He is a regular stick.

我不过是个木头人。I'm the king , you are my queen.

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木头人真的不懂得悲伤么?To be honest, I do not know myself.

微美克人是一群小木头人。The Wemmicks were small wooden people.

是我给的暗示不够明显吗?还是我喜欢上的是个木头人?Is the hints not enough? or is he just a wooden block?

“小木头人”是中国爷爷用小橡树刻制而成的。The wood boy is made from oak tree by Chinese grandpa.

所以大家都不喜欢这个爱撒谎的木头人。Altough he loved to help others, he could not help lying.

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“木头人”游戏同样是一种体脑结合的游戏。The game of "Statues" is a similar active mental combination game.

我们情愿站在那里,当个木头人,也不愿动起来。We would rather stand there, when a wooden people, do not want to move up.

「那麽多圆点是他应得的。」木头人会同意彼此的说。"He deserves lots of dots, "the wooden people would agree with one another.

你懂吗?怎么你就像一个木头人,一个不懂感情的石人。You understand?How do you like a wood, do not understand the feelings of a Shiren.

凭借着自己这种万无一失的意志,这个木头人自觉自动地寻找着南方的所在。With an infallible will, and on his own accord, the wooden figure automatically seeks south.

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生活就像洋葱,你一层一层的剥开,总有一层会让你流泪的,除非你是个木头人。Life is like an onion, you peel off layers of it, and someday you'll weep unless you are a stick.

我丈夫是个自私鬼,木头人,可以置篮球于妻子的幸福之上。My husband is a selfish, insensitive oaf who puts basketball before his wife's happiness. fanatic.

我丈夫是个自私鬼,木头人,可以置篮球于妻子的幸福之上。He loves Yaoming more than me. My husband is a selfish, insensitive oaf who puts basketball before his wife's happiness.

尽管他于2000年赢得了大众选举,但是有评论指责他的“木头人”交际风格,一些人说他枯燥、呆板。Although he won the popular vote in 2000, one of the knocks against him was his "wooden" communication style. Some said he was boring, stiff.

谈到过去的“木头人”陈述风格,确实有艾尔.戈尔自身的原因,他在做陈述时过于保守且内敛。As far as his "wooden" presentation style of the past, part of it may have been his fault. Perhaps he played it too conservative, held it back too much.