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这都是骗人的鬼把戏。It is all a trick.

这生发剂是骗人的玩意。This hair-restorer is a fraud.

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我一直认为这是骗人的。I always thought that was hooey.

他说的是骗人的鬼话。What he said is deceitful words.

这个总是骗人的女孩。The gril who always trick others.

有些诈骗中是利用电子邮件来骗人。Some grift cheats people by email.

她以骗人而自娱。She enjoys doing other people down.

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所谓的特效药原来是骗人的东西。The so-called specific was a fraud.

出了做小偷骗人外?。Asides from being a thief and a liar?

我要揭露这一切骗人的鬼话。I am going to expose all this humbug.

人们是否认为他在骗人?一直如此。Do people think he cheats? All the time.

很明显,那是个骗人的组织。Clearly, it was a fly-by-night organization.

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那是一种极易骗人的迷人的态度。It's an engaging manner that easily deceives.

张学友骗人-爱是没有永恒的!Jacky Cheung lied! Love is never ever-lasting!

他说的全是骗人话。There was not a shred of truth in what he said.

沵哭着対涐妁,童话里都是骗人的。You cry to impose the E, fairy tales are lying.

骗人吧,你!你真的进了她的贡多啦?You're kidding. You actually got in her gondola.

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如果你说你早就知道会这样,那你肯定是骗人的。If you say you saw this one coming, you’re lying.

人被骗了之后,就学会了怎么骗人。Knows when you're being conned, knows how to con.

那墨家的兼爱岂不就是骗人骗己吗?Then Mozi's universal love is just blind talking?