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采取有效的灭蚊蝇、蟑螂等虫害措施。I . Measures of pest control taken.

蜻蜓捕食蚊蝇。The dragonfly feeds on mosquitoes and flies.

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这条水沟是蚊蝇繁殖的地方。This ditch was a breeding ground for mosquitoes and flies.

涂抹花露水可以防止蚊蝇叮咬。Using toilet water can help you to avoid mosquitos, or flies.

本发明涉及一种用于捕杀蚊蝇的蚊甩子。The invention relates to swing flapper used to kill mosquito and fly.

他拼命逃跑,但蚊蝇太多了无法摆脱。He ran away as fast as possible, but there were too many to shake off.

它所产生的奇特芳香,可驱蚊蝇、虫蚁,净化空气。It produced peculiar scent, can drive mosquitoes and flies, worms ant, purify air.

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法律如同蜘蛛网,小的蚊蝇给网捕住,大的则一冲而过。Laws are like cobwebs, where the small files are caught and the great break through.

法律如同蜘蛛网,小的蚊蝇给网捕住,大的则一冲而过。Laws are like cobwebs, where the small flies are caught and the great break through.

夏日已经到来,即便非典很快过去,这些垃圾也是孳生蚊蝇、老鼠和其他传染病的温床。With summer coming, this garbage will be a breeding ground for mosquitoes, flies and rats.

纵观世界,更多的人死于由蚊蝇引发的疾病。Throughout the world, more people are killed by mosquito-borne illness than any other factor.

根据电蚊蝇拍的原理,用绝缘材料做窗框。A window frame made of insulating materials according to the principle of an electric fly-flap.

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当这些释放不同化学信号的牛被转移到其它地方时,整个牛群中蚊蝇的数量马上又会增多起来。When these individuals were moved to another field the number of flies afflicting the herd increased.

百叶窗帘遮光效果好,透气强,但挡蚊蝇的效果却不比布艺纱帘。Antiglare screen curtains good results, breathable strong, but the results are not turned over fabric Shalian closed.

型卫生杀虫涂料,经实验室试验表明对蚊蝇和蟑螂具有很强的击倒作用和杀灭能力。Health insecticide coating type WS-I was shown to have very strong knockdown and cidal effect on mosquitoes, flies and cockroachs.

更多泥泞地区和温度变化意味着蚊蝇传染疾病,诸如疟疾和登革热等疾病的显著上升。More waterlogged areas and changes in temperature will mean sharp rises in vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue fever.

本灭蚊蝇剂为纯植物中药喷雾剂,具有高效灭蚊蝇、无毒、无残留等优点。The mosquitocide is pure natural plant traditional medicine spray and characterized by high efficiency, non toxicity and no residual.

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研究新型杂环杀虫剂FIPRONIL对蚊蝇蟑三种卫生害虫的活性,评价其在卫生害虫防治领域中应用的实际意义。This paper reports the activities of new heteronuclear insecticide FIPRONIL with the special mechanism on three kinds of health pests.

菊酯治疗排斥衣服和杀蜱,蚊蝇和其他节肢动物和维持这种效果,经过反复清洗。Permethrin-treated clothing repels and kills ticks, mosquitoes, and other arthropods and retains this effect after repeated laundering.

介绍了一种水性化卫生杀虫悬乳剂新配方,生测结果表明其对蚊蝇杀灭效果与对照药剂相当,而击倒速度更快。Its biology research showed that the efficiency against mosquitos and flies was equivalent to controls, but struck them down more quickly.