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北极海冰近况与分析.Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis.

全南极海冰区。SPI4, the whole Antarctic sea region.

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海冰容积也得到了相似的结果。A similar result was found for sea-ice volume.

从那里开始,白令海峡的海冰向东横跨整个海峡。East of that, sea ice spans the Bering Strait.

海冰融化会影响生态系统和水流。Melting sea ice affects ecosystems and currents.

海冰的最小范围通常在九月中旬。The sea ice minimum is usually in mid-September.

到2080年,北极夏季海冰可能将不复存在。By 2080, there may be no Arctic summer sea ice at all.

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冰间湖指的是被海冰所包围的开放水域。Polynyas are areas of open water surrounded by sea ice.

他说海冰在全球气候系统中发挥着关键作用。He said sea ice plays a key role in Earth’s climate system.

2010年4月中旬,海冰模仿着勘察加半岛的海岸线聚集着。Sea ice mimicked the Kamchatka coastline in mid-April 2010.

在格陵兰岛的西部和北部,海冰呈淡淡的灰蓝色。West and north of Greenland, sea ice appears pale gray-blue.

这就是为什么对北极海冰进行实地科考很重要。That's why doing fieldwork on Arctic sea ice is so important.

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此处海冰属柱状晶结构。The construction of this ice is columnar-grained-crystalline.

是啊,渤海海域有很严重的海冰灾害。Yes, the Bohai Sea waters have very serious sea-ice disaster.

将本月的海冰融化情况也纳入到研究视野中亦有帮助。It even helps to put this month's sea ice melting into perspective.

一个科学家甚至推测夏季的海冰将在五年内消失。One even speculated that summer sea ice would be gone in five years.

先前禁入的海冰数据具有一米的分辨率。The previously off-limits sea ice data has a resolution of one meter.

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色丹岛周围都是海冰——也就是图上鬼魅般的蓝灰色旋涡。The island is surrounded by sea ice—swirling shapes of ghostly blue-gray.

在未来数十年中,我们仍然很可能遭遇无海冰的夏天。We still expect to see ice-free summers sometime in the next few decades.

在季节性冰冻地带海冰浮冰块大小分布的特性。Characteristics of sea ice floe size distribution in the seasonal ice zone.